Pinned Repositories
Developed drivers like for GPIO, SPI, I2C and for ds1307 with lcd 16 * 2 for STM32F407VG Discovery board which is based on ARM Cortex M4 based Microcontroller.
Questions and Answers related to C Programming (Novice - Advanced Beginner - Competent)
Exercises related to Data Structures and Algorithms using C.
To create a sophisticated seating solution with bidirectional counting and limit configuration. It also integrates a speaker for audio output and a 16x2 LCD for displaying counts and important information.
It's a Task Scheduler from scratch with every 1ms SysTick int. task will be schedule in Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm.
Train Reservation System where passangers can come and book their tickets according to availability of train and schedule. Train Management System is where manager have all the access to configure the train after data will save to database system using SQLite with integration with C Language And much more configuration is available for both.
HARDIK2973's Repositories
Developed drivers like for GPIO, SPI, I2C and for ds1307 with lcd 16 * 2 for STM32F407VG Discovery board which is based on ARM Cortex M4 based Microcontroller.
Exercises related to Data Structures and Algorithms using C.
It's a Task Scheduler from scratch with every 1ms SysTick int. task will be schedule in Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm.
To create a sophisticated seating solution with bidirectional counting and limit configuration. It also integrates a speaker for audio output and a 16x2 LCD for displaying counts and important information.
Train Reservation System where passangers can come and book their tickets according to availability of train and schedule. Train Management System is where manager have all the access to configure the train after data will save to database system using SQLite with integration with C Language And much more configuration is available for both.
Questions and Answers related to C Programming (Novice - Advanced Beginner - Competent)