Tesseract PDF Image Text Extractor
This is a simple tool to extract text from scanned pdf images using tesseract OCR as the OCR engine.
As of now I am providing the document for running this tool in Windows platforms.
Main dependencies of this project are given below:
canvas - Visit GitHub of canvas
canvas npm package has some compatibility issues with windows x86 based windows platform
node-tesseract-ocr - Visit GitHub of node-tesseract-ocr
tesseract ocr engine - Visit GitHub of tesseract ocr engine
Tesseract at UB Mannheim
The above university providing ready to install binaries for Windows platforms (both x86 and x64).
The details are available here at their GitHub wiki.
Steps to run the project
Install all of the node dependencies by running
npm install
Also you need to install the tesseract binaries from here.
Create the below folders in the same directory.
processedText, processedImages, fileSource
run the below command
npm run-script extract
The above command will look for a file named test.pdf in the fileSource folder and start extracting.
npm --fileName="FILENAME" run-script extract
We can also specify a filename of our wish. We need to replace the FILENAME with our filename.
The extracted text will be saved in separate text file for each page in the processedText folder.
Important: Files to be processed should be inside the folder fileSource
Happy extraction...!