Team Members:

Barrett Ottenberg, Matthew Warner, Emma Li

Project Title:

Amazon Sales Analytics


Matthew Warner uses Amazon as a sales channel.  Amazon generates sales, inventory, advertising reports, fullfillment reports and more for its 3rd party sellers. These reports are output to CSV files. Using python, pandas and matplotlib we will create meaningful data insight into sales and advertising trends. We will Use 3-4 seller data csvs and one outside data source. 


Does advertising in this dataset always increase profit? Hypothesis: No
Does lowering price in this dataset always increase sales volumes? Hypothesis: No
Do products used during summer sell better during warmer months.  Hypothesis: Yes
Does click through rate correlate with conversion rate in this dataset? Hypothesis: Yes

Techniques and Tools:

Excel, Python, Pandas, Matiplotlib,

Data Shortcomings:

Not exactly accurate with recent sales. Missing previous years advertising data.