- 0
- 0
RepositoryEmpty isn't actually empty
#175 opened by kanzure - 1
Infinte recursion on Windows+IPython if caller path on drive different than working path
#172 opened by jdranczewski - 2
Casting to json raising SyntaxError
#171 opened by cyrilchampier - 4
Add support for type stubs
#122 opened by yoav-orca - 5
- 1
decouple.UndefinedValueError: SECRET_KEY not found.
#160 opened by Bodundeft - 2
Issue with typings using Pylance type checking
#163 opened by renaudjester - 1
profiling through environment variables
#164 opened by bigusef - 1
Installation with Poetry give back an error
#170 opened by hdaipteam - 2
Issues with installation using pipenv
#169 opened by Sarumyan - 15
- 12
How to give path of .env files?
#106 opened by talhaanwarch - 1
ENV when use Csv can't be optional
#161 opened by mahdizojaji - 3
Feature Request: Fallback to .env.example
#147 opened by aqeelat - 2
- 2
Feature idea: optional value
#159 opened by kazet - 1
This bugs me so much - Install name differs from package name causing IDE warnings
#158 opened by jonnyhoff - 0
Cascaded Settings Files
#156 opened by williwacker - 8
Feature request: Cascaded settings files
#142 opened by williwacker - 5
- 2
Pycharm and the python-decouple package
#136 opened by cicerohr - 1
- 5
Jupyter notebooks break decouple's default config
#116 opened by tbrodbeck - 4
Updating variables stored in .env files
#114 opened by assman - 4
decouple.UndefinedValueError: SECRET_KEY not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value.
#148 opened by harshhes - 0
Csv(None) hangs
#149 opened by iurisilvio - 2
question Changing settings
#144 opened by NADOOITChristophBa - 9
Support for multiline strings
#139 opened by christophe-riolo - 2
RFC: Freedom to extend decouple with plugins.
#115 opened by henriquebastos - 1
Add type hints
#141 opened by pawelad - 2
Allow for Multiple Potential Env Var Names
#131 opened by dstarner - 3
Casting list of tuples
#118 opened by mahsa-kh-21 - 3
- 2
distutils DeprecationWarning in Python 3.10
#127 opened by iurisilvio - 1
config not working right
#130 opened by dmtzs - 2
Latest 3.5 release missing a wheel
#125 opened by MrNaif2018 - 1
Value ending and starting with quote marks " or '
#123 opened by Hatell - 5
- 2
Custom Config Loaders
#108 opened by aaronclong - 1
decouple doesn't convert value 'None' to bool
#120 opened by Quit3Simpl3 - 2
- 1
problem with mounted windows drive
#117 opened by zszep - 1
- 3
cannot import 'config' from 'decouple'
#109 opened by alexshcer - 2
- 2
Help required understanding live settings change
#107 opened by mmodenesi - 2
Please, make a release with Choices feature
#97 opened by b0g3r - 3
TypeError if `default` can't go through `cast`
#100 opened by MicaelJarniac - 1