Your code is better and more secure with HCL AppScan.
The HCL AppScan DAST Github Action enables you to run dynamic analysis security testing (DAST) against your application. The DAST scan identifies security vulnerabilities in your code and stores the results in AppScan on Cloud.
Demo Video:
When this optional feature is enabled, a temporary instance of AppScan Presence is deployed within the runner. This instance of the AppScan Presence will be used for conducting the DAST scan. Once the scan is complete, this instance of AppScan Presence gets automatically deleted from AppScan on Cloud.
This feature is useful for running a DAST scan against a temporary instances of your web application that is also deployed within the runner itself which may not be accessible from other locations. To turn on this feature, simply set ephemeral_presence = true.
In the event of a user cancelling an action workflow midway through a DAST scan, this action will also automatically cancel the same scan in AppScan on Cloud, thereby freeing up your scan queues.
The Github SHA associated to the action will be embedded in AppScan on Cloud in the following locations:
- Scan name (Only if scan_name is not set in the configuration)
- Issue comment
- Generated report under the notes section
Issue count are displayed in github workflow logs
Scan report (.html) is automatically generated and sent to github workflow overview page
If you don't have an account, register on HCL AppScan on Cloud (ASoC) to generate your API key and API secret.
- Generate your API key and API secret on the API page.
- The API key and API secret map to the
parameters for this action. Store the API key and API secret as secrets in your repository.
- Create the application in ASoC.
- The application ID in ASoC maps to application_id for this action.
Name | Description |
asoc_key | Your API key from the API page |
asoc_secret | Your API secret from the API page |
application_id | The ID of the application in ASoC. |
Name | Description | Default Value | Available options |
scan_name | The name of the scan created in ASoC. | The GitHub repository name + GITHUB SHA | |
scan_type | The type of the scan | staging | staging, production |
dynamic_scan_type | Choose between dast or upload. DAST will require you to specify starting URL and login, while upload will only require you to specify a .scan or .scant file | dast | dast, upload |
scan_or_scant_file | (applicable only if dynamic_scan_type = upload) Provide the path to the .scan or .scant file here | ||
starting_URL | (applicable only if dynamic_scan_type = dast)The starting URL of the DAST scan | | |
optimization | Level of test optimization | Fast | NoOptimization, Fast, Faster, Fastest |
network | Set the type of network, if this is set to private, you must have AppScan Presence created in advance | public | public, private |
presence_id | (applicable only if network = private) | ||
login_method | (applicable only if dynamic_scan_type = dast)Login Method of the scan, none: no authentication required for the application, userpass: basic username/password authentication, recorded: you will provide a recorded login sequence dast.config file | none | none, userpass, or recorded |
login_user | (applicable only if login_method = userpass) Type the username used for logging into the application | ||
login_password | (applicable only if login_method = userpass) Type the password used logging into the application | ||
login_sequence_file | Provide a path to the Login Traffic File data. Supported file type: DAST.CONFIG: AppScan Activity Recorder file | ||
email_notification | Send email notification uponn scan completion | false | true,false |
personal_scan | Make this a personal scan. | false | true, false |
wait_for_analysis | If set to true, the job will suspend and wait until DAST scan is complete before finishing the job | true | true, false |
wait_for_analysis_timeout_minutes | (applicable only if wait_for_analysis = true) Maximum duration in minutes before the job will no longer wait and proceeds to complete, default is 360 (6 hours) | 360 | |
fail_for_noncompliance | If fail_for_noncompliance is true, fail the job if any non-compliant issues are found in the scan | false | true, false |
fail_by_severity | If fail_by_severity is set to true, failure_threshold must also be set. This will fail the job if any issues equal to or higher (more severe) than failure_threshold are found in the scan | false | false |
failure_threshold | (applicable only if failure_threshold = true) Set the severity level that indicates a failure. Lesser severities will not be considered a failure. For example, if failure_threshold is set to Medium, Informational and/or Low severity issues will not cause a failure. Medium, High, and/or Critical issues will cause a failure. | High | Informational, Low, Medium, High, Critical |
ephemeral_presence | If set to true, a temp instance of AppScan Presence will be deployed in the runner and will be used for the scan. When enabled, this will force wait_for_analysis to true and network to private regardless of user settings | false | true, false |
name: "HCL AppScan DAST - basic"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run ASoC DAST Scan
uses: HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/appscan-dast-action@v1.0.5
asoc_key: ${{secrets.ASOC_KEY}}
asoc_secret: ${{secrets.ASOC_SECRET}}
application_id: acd3ef50-6276-461d-8514-abc6e7113577
scan_type: 'staging'
dynamic_scan_type: dast
starting_URL: ''
login_method: userpass
login_user: jsmith
login_password: demo1234
network: public
fail_for_noncompliance: false
wait_for_analysis: true
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Upload HCL AppScan HTML Report to Github Artifacts
name: AppScan Security Scan HTML Report
path: '**/AppScan*.html'
if: success() || failure()
name: "HCL AppScan DAST - scan template"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run ASoC DAST Scan
uses: HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/appscan-dast-action@v1.0.5
asoc_key: ${{secrets.ASOC_KEY}}
asoc_secret: ${{secrets.ASOC_SECRET}}
application_id: acd3ef50-6276-461d-8514-abc6e7113577
scan_type: 'staging'
dynamic_scan_type: upload
scan_or_scant_file: 'altoro.scant'
network: private
presence_id: f185efda-67bf-ed11-ba76-14cb65723612
fail_for_noncompliance: false
wait_for_analysis: true
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Upload HCL AppScan HTML Report to Github Artifacts
name: AppScan Security Scan HTML Report
path: '**/AppScan*.html'
if: success() || failure()
name: "HCL AppScan DAST - ephemeral presence"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run ASoC DAST Scan
uses: HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/appscan-dast-action@v1.0.5
asoc_key: ${{secrets.ASOC_KEY}}
asoc_secret: ${{secrets.ASOC_SECRET}}
application_id: acd3ef50-6276-461d-8514-abc6e7113577
scan_type: 'staging'
dynamic_scan_type: dast
starting_URL: ''
ephemeral_presence: true
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Upload HCL AppScan HTML Report to Github Artifacts
name: AppScan Security Scan HTML Report
path: '**/AppScan*.html'
if: success() || failure()