
Easily Create Mermaid Markdown Files in PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell



Easily Create Mermaid Markdown Files in PowerShell

A large list with examples you can find here.

The full changelog you can find here.

Implementation overview

  • Graph / FlowChart
  • Class Diagram
  • User Journey
  • Pie Chart
  • Timeline
  • Quadrant Chart
  • Entity Relationship Diagrams
  • GitGraph
  • Sequence Diagram
  • State Diagram
  • Gantt
  • Requirement Diagram


Version 0.1.1


  • Added basic functionality to create a 'gitGraphs'
  • Following new functions: 'New-MermaidGitGraph', 'New-MermaidGitGraphEntry' created

Version 0.1.0


  • Added basic functionality to create a 'ERDiagram' (EntityRelationship-Diagram)
  • Following new functions: 'New-MermaidERDiagram','New-MermaidERDiagramEntity', 'New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute','New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShip', 'New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShipType' created

Version 0.0.9


  • Added basic functionality to create a 'QuardrantChart'
  • Following new functions: 'New-MermaidQuadrantChart','New-MermaidQuadrantChartAxis', 'New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet','New-MermaidQuadrantChartQuadrant' created

Version 0.0.8


  • Added basic functionality to create a 'Timeline'
  • Following new functions: 'New-MermaidTimeLine','New-MermaidTimelineDataSet', 'New-MermaidTimelineSection','New-MermaidTimelineDirective' created

Version 0.0.7


  • Added basic functionality to create a 'pie chart'
  • Following new functions: 'New-MermaidPie','New-MermaidPieDataSet' created


Creating a Graph in one big step

New-MermaidGraph -Direction LR -NodeConnections @(
        $newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat = @{
            FirstNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape RoundEdges -ID ID1 -Text "Frankfurt am Main" -Class "Starter")
            SecondNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape DoubleCircle -ID ID2 -Text "PSConfEU$((Get-Date).Year +1)")
            Link = $(New-MermaidGraphLink -Text "traveling to:" -Linktype Link -ArrowType Cross) 
        New-MermaidGraphNodeConnection @newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat
        $newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat = @{
            FirstNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape DoubleCircle -ID ID2 -Text "PSConfEU$((Get-Date).Year +1)")
            SecondNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape subroutine -ID ID3 -Text "Enjoying for 4 Days")
            Link = $(New-MermaidGraphLink -Linktype Dotted -ArrowType Arrow -BiDirectional)
        New-MermaidGraphNodeConnection @newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat
        $newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat = @{
            FirstNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape DoubleCircle -ID ID2 -Text "PSConfEU$((Get-Date).Year +1)")
            SecondNode = $(New-MermaidGraphNode -Shape RoundEdges -ID ID1 -Text "Frankfurt am Main")
            Link = $(New-MermaidGraphLink -Text "traveling home:" -Linktype Link -ArrowType Dot)
        New-MermaidGraphNodeConnection @newMermaidNodeConnectionSplat
) -ClassDefinitions @(
    New-MermaidGraphStyleClassDefinition -Name "Starter" -FillColor "#6699ff" -StrokeColor "#999966"
graph LR
        ID1("Frankfurt am Main"):::Starter---x|traveling to:|ID2(((PSConfEU2024)))
        ID2(((PSConfEU2024)))<.->ID3[[Enjoying for 4 Days]]
        ID2(((PSConfEU2024)))---o|traveling home:|ID1(Frankfurt am Main)
        classDef Starter fill:#6699ff,stroke:#999966,stroke-width:2px

Creating a classDiagram in one big step

$newMermaidClassDiagramSplat = @{
    Class = @(
            $newMermaidClassSplat = @{
                Name = 'Animal'
                property = @(
                        $newmermaidclasspropertySplat = @{
                            Accessability = 'Public'
                            Name = 'age'
                            Datatype = 'int'
                        new-mermaidclassproperty @newmermaidclasspropertySplat
                        $newmermaidclasspropertySplat = @{
                            Accessability = 'Public'
                            Name = 'Gender'
                            Datatype = 'String'
                        new-mermaidclassproperty @newmermaidclasspropertySplat
                Method = @(
                        $newMermaidClassMethodSplat = @{
                            Encapsulation = 'Public'
                            Name = 'isMammal'
                        New-MermaidClassMethod @newMermaidClassMethodSplat 
                        $newMermaidClassMethodSplat = @{
                            Encapsulation = 'Public'
                            Name = 'mate'
                        New-MermaidClassMethod @newMermaidClassMethodSplat
            New-MermaidClass @newMermaidClassSplat
            $newMermaidClassSplat = @{
                Name = 'Fish'
                property = @(
                        $newmermaidclasspropertySplat = @{
                            Accessability = 'Private'
                            Name = 'sizeInFeet'
                            Datatype = 'int'
                        new-mermaidclassproperty @newmermaidclasspropertySplat
                Method = @(
                        $newMermaidClassMethodSplat = @{
                            Encapsulation = 'Private'
                            Name = 'canEat'
                        New-MermaidClassMethod @newMermaidClassMethodSplat 
            New-MermaidClass @newMermaidClassSplat
            $newMermaidClassSplat = @{
                Name = 'Duck'
                property = @(
                        $newmermaidclasspropertySplat = @{
                            Accessability = 'Public'
                            Name = 'beackColor'
                            Datatype = 'string'
                        new-mermaidclassproperty @newmermaidclasspropertySplat
                Method = @(
                        $newMermaidClassMethodSplat = @{
                            Encapsulation = 'Public'
                            Name = 'swim'
                        New-MermaidClassMethod @newMermaidClassMethodSplat 
                        $newMermaidClassMethodSplat = @{
                            Encapsulation = 'Public'
                            Name = 'quack'
                        New-MermaidClassMethod @newMermaidClassMethodSplat
            New-MermaidClass @newMermaidClassSplat
    RelationShip = @(
            $newMermaidClassRelationShipSplat = @{
                RelationShipType = 'Inheritance'
                FirstClass = 'Animal'
                SecondClass = 'Duck'

            New-MermaidClassRelationShip @newMermaidClassRelationShipSplat
            $newMermaidClassRelationShipSplat = @{
                RelationShipType = 'Inheritance'
                FirstClass = 'Animal'
                SecondClass = 'Fish'

            New-MermaidClassRelationShip @newMermaidClassRelationShipSplat

New-MermaidClassDiagram @newMermaidClassDiagramSplat
class Animal{
        +int age
        +String Gender
class Fish{
        -int sizeInFeet
class Duck{
        +string beackColor
Animal <|-- Duck
Animal <|-- Fish

Creating a UserJourney in one big step

New-MermaidJourney -Title "My working day" -Section @(
        New-MermaidJourneySection -Title "Go to work" -Task @(
                New-MermaidJourneyTask -Name "Make teak" -Score 5 -Actor @("Me")
                New-MermaidJourneyTask -Name "Go upstairs" -Score 3 -Actor @("Me")
                New-MermaidJourneyTask -Name "Do work" -Score 1 -Actor @("Me, Cat")
        New-MermaidJourneySection -Title "Go home" -Task @(
                New-MermaidJourneyTask -Name "Go downstairs" -Score 5 -Actor @("Me")
                New-MermaidJourneyTask -Name "Sit down" -Score 5 -Actor @("Me")
        title My working day
        section Go to work
                Make teak: 5: Me
                Go upstairs: 3: Me
                Do work: 1: Me, Cat

        section Go home
                Go downstairs: 5: Me
                Sit down: 5: Me

Creating a Pie Chart in one big step

New-MermaidPie -Title "Key elements in Product X" -ShowData -DataSet @(
        New-MermaidPieDataSet -Name Calcium -Value 42.96
        New-MermaidPieDataSet -Name Potassium -Value 50.05
        New-MermaidPieDataSet -Name Magnesium -Value 10.01
        New-MermaidPieDataSet -Name Iron -Value 5
%%{init: {"pie": {"textPosition": 0.5}, "themeVariables": {"pieOuterStrokeWidth": "5px"}} }%%
pie showData
        title Key elements in Product X
        "Calcium" : 42.96
        "Potassium" : 50.05
        "Magnesium" : 10.01
        "Iron" : 5


Creating a Time in one big step

New-MermaidTimeline -Title "England's History Timeline" -Section @(
    $(New-MermaidTimelineSection -Name "Stone Age" -DataSet @(
        $(New-MermaidTimelineDataSet -TimePeriod "7600 BC" -Events "Britain's oldest known house was built in Orkney, Scotland"),
        $(New-MermaidTimelineDataSet -TimePeriod "6000 BC" -Events "Sea levels rise and Britain becomes an island.<br> The people who live here are hunter-gatherers.")
    $(New-MermaidTimelineSection -Name "Bronze Age" -DataSet @(
        $(New-MermaidTimelineDataSet -TimePeriod "2300 BC" -Events @("People arrive from Europe and settle in Britain. <br>They bring farming and metalworking.","New styles of pottery and ways of burying the dead appear.")),
        $(New-MermaidTimelineDataSet -TimePeriod "2200 BC" -Events @("The last major building works are completed at Stonehenge.<br> People now bury their dead in stone circles.","The first metal objects are made in Britain.Some other nice things happen. it is a good time to be alive."))
        title England's History Timeline
        section Stone Age
                7600 BC : Britain's oldest known house was built in Orkney, Scotland
                6000 BC : Sea levels rise and Britain becomes an island.<br> The people who live here are hunter-gatherers.
        section Bronze Age
                2300 BC : People arrive from Europe and settle in Britain. <br>They bring farming and metalworking. : New styles of pottery and ways of burying the 
dead appear.
                2200 BC : The last major building works are completed at Stonehenge.<br> People now bury their dead in stone circles. : The first metal objects are 
made in Britain.Some other nice things happen. it is a good time to be alive.

Creating a Quadrant Chart in one big step

New-MermaidQuadrantChart -Title "Reach and engagement of campaigns" -XAxis $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartAxis -From "Low Reach" -To "High Reach" -Axis x) -YAxis $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartAxis -From "Low Engagement" -To "High Engagement" -Axis y) -Quadrant @(
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartQuadrant -Number 1 -Text "We should expand"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartQuadrant -Number 2 -Text "Need to promote"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartQuadrant -Number 3 -Text "Re-evaluate"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartQuadrant -Number 4 -Text "May be improved")
) -DataSet @(
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.3 -YPosition 0.6 -Name "Campaign A"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.45 -YPosition 0.23 -Name "Campaign B"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.57 -YPosition 0.69 -Name "Campaign C"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.78 -YPosition 0.34 -Name "Campaign D"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.40 -YPosition 0.34 -Name "Campaign E"),
    $(New-MermaidQuadrantChartDataSet -XPosition 0.35 -YPosition 0.78 -Name "Campaign F")

Create a ERDiagram

New-MermaidERDiagram -Entity @(
    $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntity -Name "CAR" -Attribute @(
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "registrationNumber" -Key Primary ),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "make" ),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "model" ),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string[]" -Name "parts" )
    $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntity -Name "PERSON" -Attribute @(
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "driversLicense" -Key Primary -Comment "The license #"),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string(99)" -Name "firstname" -Comment "Only 99 characters are allowed"),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "lastname"),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "phone UK")
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "int" -Name "age")
    $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntity -Name "NAMED-DRIVER" -Attribute @(
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "carRegistrationNumber" -Key Primary, Foreign),
        $(New-MermaidERDiagramEntityAttribute -Type "string" -Name "driverLicence" -Key Primary, Foreign)
) -Relationship @(
        $newMermaidERDiagramRelationShipSplat = @{
            FirstEntityName = "CAR"
            SecondEntityName = "NAMED-DRIVER"
            RelationTypeLeft = $(New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShipType -Relationshiptype ExactlyOne -Direction Left)
            RelationTypeRight = $(New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShipType -Relationshiptype ZeroOrMore -Direction Right)
            Comment = "allows"
        New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShip @newMermaidERDiagramRelationShipSplat
        $newMermaidERDiagramRelationShipSplat = @{
            FirstEntityName = "PERSON"
            SecondEntityName = "NAMED-DRIVER"
            RelationTypeLeft = $(New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShipType -Relationshiptype ExactlyOne -Direction Left)
            RelationTypeRight = $(New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShipType -Relationshiptype ZeroOrMore -Direction Right)
            Comment = "is"
        New-MermaidERDiagramRelationShip @newMermaidERDiagramRelationShipSplat
        CAR {
                string registrationNumber PK
                string make
                string model
                string[] parts

        PERSON {
                string driversLicense PK "The license #"
                string(99) firstname  "Only 99 characters are allowed"
                string lastname
                string phone UK
                int age

        NAMED-DRIVER {
                string carRegistrationNumber PK,FK
                string driverLicence PK,FK

        CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
        PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is

Create a Git Graph

new-MermaidGitGraph -Entry @(
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "ZERO"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryBranch -Name "develop"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "A"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCheckOut -name "main"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "ONE"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCheckOut -name "develop"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "B"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCheckOut -name "main"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "TWO"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCherrypick -id "A"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "THREE"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCheckOut -name "develop"),
    $(New-MermaidGitGraphEntryCommit -id "C")
        commit id: "ZERO"
        branch develop
        commit id: "A"
        checkout main
        commit id: "ONE"
        checkout develop
        commit id: "B"
        checkout main
        commit id: "TWO"
        cherry-pick id: "A"
        commit id: "THREE"
        checkout develop
        commit id: "C"