

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram 音乐点播收藏 Bot

A Telegram Bot to Play Audio in Voice Chats With Youtube support. Supports Live streaming from youtube

Please fork this repository don't import code
Made with Python3
(C) @subinps @老房东 @Sichengthebest
Copyright permission under MIT License
License -> https://github.com/HDCodePractice/MusicPlayer/blob/master/LICENSE



NOTE: Make sure you have started a VoiceChat in your Group before deploying.


git clone https://github.com/HDCodePractice/MusicPlayer
cd MusicPlayer
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create Variables appropriately>
python3 main.py




docker-compose run --rm mpbot



docker-compose up -d


docker-compose down


  1. API_ID : Get From my.telegram.org
  2. API_HASH : Get from my.telegram.org
  3. BOT_TOKEN : @Botfather
  4. SESSION_STRING : 可以写一个string手工输入,也可以使用这里 GenerateStringName来生成一个SESSION_STRING
  5. CHAT : 播放音乐的群组ID
  6. LOG_GROUP : 发送播放日志和Playlist的群组ID
  7. ADMINS : 可以使用admin命令的用户ID,使用空格分割多个用户ID
  8. STREAM_URL : Stream URL of radio station or a youtube live video to stream when the bot starts or with /radio command.
  9. MAXIMUM_DURATION : Maximum duration of song to play.(Optional)
  10. REPLY_MESSAGE : A reply to those who message the USER account in PM. Leave it blank if you do not need this feature.
  11. ADMIN_ONLY : Pass Y If you want to make /play commands only for admins of CHAT. By default /play and /dplay is available for all.
  • Enable the worker after deploy the project to Heroku
  • Bot will starts radio automatically in given CHAT with given STREAM_URL after deploy.(24*7 Music even if heroku restarts, radio stream restarts automatically.)
  • To play a song use /play as a reply to audio file or a youtube link.
  • Use /play to play song from youtube.
  • Use /help to know about other commands.


  • Playlist, queue
  • Supports Live streaming from youtube
  • Supports youtube to search songs.
  • Play from telegram file supported.
  • Starts Radio after if no songs in playlist.
  • Automatically downloads audio for the first two tracks in the playlist to ensure smooth playing
  • Automatic restart even if heroku restarts.
  • 支持使用bot来收藏歌曲
  • 支持一键再次点播