- Run npm install
npm install credentials-validator
- Write the following code:
const validator = require("credentials-validator");
user = {
name: "AnnieCare1010",
email: "annie@email.com",
password: "Password10"
validator.validate(user, function(errors) {
You will notice that will produce no errors. But what happens if we change the password to "Pass", which has only 4 characters?
password: "Pass"
It will produce...
│ (index) │ Values │
│ 0 │ 'Password too short, max length: 8' │
Voila! it produced an error.
Here is the available settings:
var settings = {
nameMin: 5,
nameMax: 15,
passwordMin: 8,
passwordMax: 20,
passwordMustContainUpper: false,
passwordMustContainNumber: false,
passwordSpecialCharactersPermit: false
And you can change the settings using the setSettings() method
const validator = require("credentials-validator");
const newSettings = {
nameMin: 10,
nameMax: 25,
passwordMustContainUpper: false
You can set custom error messages.
user = {
name: "AnnieCare1010",
email: "annie@email.com",
password: "Password10"
const errorMessages = {
errorPasswordMin: "Senha curta, tamanho máximo: __VALUE__"
//__VALUE__ gets replaced by the current value, which is password min length in this case
validator.validate(user, function(errors) {
It will print...
│ (index) │ Values │
│ 0 │ 'Senha curta, tamanho máximo: 8' │
//A method that individually checks a name
validator.checkName("JohnDoe" ,function(errs) {
//A method that individually checks an email
validator.checkEmail("john@gmail.com",function(errs) {
//A method that individually checks an password
validator.checkPassword("Password10",function(errs) {
const customCredential = "AyeMate"
settings = {
min: 10,
max: 20
Check out the full settings in next code sample
errorMessages = {
errorMin: "__NAME__ is low! Min length: __VALUE__"
__NAME__ gets replaced by the credential name,
check out the full error message in the next code sample
//checkCustom(credential, name, callback, customSettings, customErrorMessages);
"Custom credential",
function(errs) {
Full custom settings and error messages
let cSettings = {
min: 0,
max: 0,
mustContainWord: [],
mustContainUpper: false,
mustContainNumber: false,
specialCharactersPermit: true
let cErrorMessages = {
errorEmpty: "Empty __NAME__!",
errorMin: "__NAME__ too short, min length: __VALUE__",
errorMax: "__NAME__ too long, max length: __VALUE__",
errorWord: "__NAME__ should contain this word: __VALUE__",
errorUpper: "__NAME__ should contain at last 1 uppercase!",
errorNumber: "__NAME__ should contain at last 1 number!",
errorSpecialFalse: "Forbidden characters in __NAME__",
errorSpecialTrue: "__NAME__ should contain at last 1 special characters!"