Custom version of Tauwasser's cart flasher firmware with added support for 4MB MBC30
Requires GBFlasher-Software if you want to flash 4MB MBC30 carts
Flashing the bootloader:
Raspberry Pi:
sudo avrdude -p atmega8515 -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -U lfuse:w:0x1f:m -U hfuse:w:0xda:m -B 6
sudo avrdude -p atmega8515 -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_1 -U flash:w:GBFlasher-Bootloader.hex -B 6
avrdude -c USBasp -p atmega8515 -U lfuse:w:0x1f:m -U hfuse:w:0xda:m -B 6
avrdude -c USBasp -p atmega8515 -U flash:w:GBFlasher-Bootloader.hex -B 6
Flashing the firmware:
Download and extract tsbloader_adv
Download the firmware and put it in the folder with the files you just extracted
Open command line and flash the firmware by writing "tsbloader_adv -port=com# -fop=wv -ffile=GBFlasher-Firmware.hex" (Replace # with whatever com port number the flasher shows up as in Device Manager)