Blender Tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Scripts and Pie Menus designed to make Blender more streamlined. Designed for use with pen tablet or mouse. Also friendly for righty and lefty.

Download Instructions:

Blender 4.0 and above - Click the Green button at top right, then download zip

Blender 3.x - https://github.com/HEAVYPOLY/HEAVYPOLY_Blender/releases

Windows install:

  • Unzip the HeavyPoly Config
  • Copy the folders "Config" and "Scripts" at this location: C:\Users%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.3 (adjust Blender version to your need. (Or other Blender version)

Mac install:

  • You need to have launched Blender once first.
  • Open the hidden folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Blender/ (To open this folder, open a finder, at the top bard click "Go" and "Go to Folder". Then copy paste the path)
  • Unzip the HeavyPoly Config
  • Copy the folders "Config" and "Scripts" inside of the folder corresponding of your blender version ( ex: /Library/Application Support/Blender/4.3 )
  • You can close everything and launch Blender normally through the Application menu now :)

Old Install Video for Blender 3.6 to 4.1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRESMUenxa8