Soavadia is a trucking company that wanted to create an application to manage their services. The first step of this realization is the creation of the database you see here.


Here is the schema model of the database Soavadia database model

Prerequisites for using this model

  • Operating system like Windows Linux or Mac
  • PostgresSQL version 10 or higher.


  • The file "soavadia_db.sql" contains all the queries to create the database.
  • The "insert.sql" file in the insert folder contains dummy data inserts to test the database.
  • The files in the query folder are test queries to test the database.

How to execute this code

  • Go to your favorite terminal (CMD or Power Shell) for Windows and the terminal for Linux or Mac.

  • Run the following command on your terminal and enter your password

     psql -U $user
  • Now that you are connected to postgres. Enter the following command to execute the file soavadia_db.sql

     \i path/soavadia_db.sql;

    the "path" is the absolute path to your soavadia_db.sql file

  • To test your database, we will first populate it with dummy data. Run the following command to populate your database with dummy data.

     \i path/insert.sql;

    the "path" is the absolute path to your insert.sql file

  • If you are not yet connected to your database run the following command to connect in your database.

     \c soavadia;
  • Between the following query is normally you have the following result

     SELECT * FROM client;
    result of select * from client If this is the case, congratulations šŸ„³, your database is functional. If not, check again the steps we performed earlier.


If you have any suggestions for improvement, bugs or anything you don't understand, please contact me at the following address. Franklin Hyriol

Licence : the project is completely free you can do what you want with it.