
A barebone social media database, where accounts can message each other, send invites, make posts and react to those posts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DATABASE : social-media

A basic social media database and its queries, implemented using the PostgreSQL DBMS. Accounts can message each other, send invititations to other accounts, make posts and react to those posts.

How to use ?

  1. Make sure you have PostgreSQL version 10 or higher installed on your OS (version 14 was used at the time of writing);
  2. To create the database and its tables : create a database, and run the social_media.sql in your PostgreSQL terminal;
  3. On PSQL, simply run : \i absolute/path/to/file
  4. Run the initializeMock.sql file to insert some mock accounts, aftewards, you can run the files in the mocks folder :
  • 1_mockInvites.sql,
  • 2_mockMessages.sql,
  • 3_mockPost.sql
  • 4_mockReactPost.sql
  1. Run some queries inside the select folder, or some queries of your own.
  2. Experiment, extend and enjoy ! Happy learning !

Database schema

Here is the database model, made with Jet Brain's Datagrip. It includes 5 tables : Account, Send_invites, Post, React_post, and Message.

alt text

Practice assignements

  1. Create a FakerJS script to generate 250_000 accounts like in initializeMock.sql file
  2. On which column would you add indexes and why ?
  3. Compare the performance difference of some queries when you have put all of your indexes VS. when it has no index at all.