
Fictional project developed during a course at HEIG-VD.

The project involves creating a mobile-first web application centred on the cultural itineraries of the canton of Vaud, highlighting various points of interest along the way.


The code documentation, generated with PHP Documentor, can be found in the /docs directory at the root of the project.


Please note that this app requires the OpenRoute Service API key In addition, you can configure the minimum distance radius in the .env file for proximity with points of interest and routes.

Local Deployment Procedure

To deploy this project in your local environment, follow the steps below:


Create a folder for your project and move to it

Clone (or fork, or download)

git clone

Install dependencies

composer install
npm ci

Create a .env file

Copy the example file and edit it to your needs

cp .env.example .env

Routing API

Create an account on Openroute Service, generate an API token and put it in the .env file

Generate a key

php artisan key:generate

Run development environment

Create link to storage directory php artisan storage:link

Create a database in your mysql DB with the same name as defined in the .env file

Then run

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

To create tables and populate them

Then in two separate terminals:

php artisan serve npm run dev

Server Deployment Procedure

To deploy this project on a server, follow the steps below:

  1. connect to the server using SSH
  2. go to the site directory by executing the command cd path-to-site.
  3. clone the project from github git clone
  4. Install dependencies with composer install and npm ci.
  5. Create .env file from model cp .env.example .env.
  6. Create an account on Openroute Service, generate an API token and put it in the .env file
  7. modify the .env file in the hosting root to update the connection parameters for the new database:
DB_DATABASE= the name of the MySQL database (xxxx_newbdd)
DB_USERNAME= the MySQL user with rights to this database
DB_PASSWORD= its password
  1. Create the application key

    php artisan key:generate

  2. Create link to storage directory

    php artisan storage:link

  3. Perform migrations and database seeding

    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

  4. (Optional) Optimization

    1. composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
    2. php artisan config:cache
    3. php artisan route:cache
    4. php artisan view:cache


  1. Pause the site

    php artisan down

  2. Update the site

    git pull
    composer install
    npm ci
    php artisan migrate
  3. Restart queue (optional)

    php artisan queue:restart

  4. Clear cache (optional)

    php artisan cache:clear

  5. Set back up the site

    php artisan up