Arival Bank Small Test Task

This project is small task that is required before technical interview at Arival Bank.

Clone git repository

To clone git repository, run this command.

$ git clone
$ cd Arival-Bank-test

1: Running NodeJS Docker

To run Node.js docker image, use following command. Make sure you have installed Docker.

$ docker build .

After running this command, docker image for this nodejs application is generated, but there is no name. If you want to set docker image name and tag, use -t flag.

$ docker build -t <docker-image-name>:<tag>

For example

$ docker build -t myapp-node-app:latest

After running this command, first you find nodejs docker image and run this image.

$ docker images
$ docker run -d <nodejs-docker-image-id>

And you can access nodejs application by using this url: http://localhost:5001

2: Running Loki, Promtail, Grafana and Nodejs application with docker-compose

Make sure you have installed docker-compose.

First, you need to create volume for data storage.

$ mkdir -p ./volumes/loki
$ sudo chown 10001:10001 ./volumes/loki

$ mkdir -p ./volumes/grafana
$ sudo chown 472:472 ./volumes/grafana

After that, you can run Loki, Promtail, Grafana and nodejs application by using this command.

$ docker-compose up -d

After a few seconds, all containers will be up and running, and the grafana web interface will be available at http://localhost:3000 with default credentials.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

To check that data is flowing correctly:

1: Click on the "Explorer" button on the left. 2: Set Label filters (in that case, job = nodejs). 3: And click on the "Run query" button and you can see the result.

3: Write simple script that will print numbers from 0 to 100 and convert every tenth to a wordy version

In that case, I use Python3 Programming language. Make sure that you have installed Python3. To view result, run following commands.

$ cd Test-3
$ python3