
A 2048 engine written in GNU/Java + Lanerna.

Primary LanguageJava


A 2048 engine, written in Java with the Lanterna library, for use in the HF-L Programming Club 2048 AI competition.


(note: see Main.java for an example implementation of a 2048 bot)

###Steps for starting a game:

To use the engine for your 2048 bot you first need to import the Engine.java file in your program

import com.hflprogramming.espaker16.engine2048.Engine;

Then you must initiate the engine class and call the start game method

engine = new Engine();


This will initiate the gameboard with two randomly placed tiles (they will be either of values 2 or 4)

###Accessing the board:

The Gameboard is stored as an int array in the form [rows][columns] with [0][0] at the top left;

In order to access the state of the gameboard you must call the look method


This will return a copy of the gameboard. You may want to store the gameboard variable like so.

int[][] gameboard = engine.look();

And then find specific values with...

gameboard [{rows}][{columns}];

Also, you can access specific tile values using look(row, column) like so

int tileValue = engine.look(row, column)

###Making Moves:

To make moves you use the swipe method


Direction is passed in the form of integer constants:

  • Engine.D_DOWN

  • Engine.D_UP

  • Engine.D_RIGHT

  • Engine.D_LEFT

For example to swipe down you would call:


The swipe method also returns an interger to inform you of the result of the move:

  • 1 : the move was successful

  • 0 : the move was invalid (no tiles moved)

  • -1 : the move worked but the game is now over


the score is calculated cumulatively throughout the game and can be accessed with



There is a built in display in the 2048 engine with uses lanterna+ to show the tiles To use this you must initiate the display


To later close the display call


The display can be opened and closed at any time.