
HHousen's dotfiles: Zsh, Chezmoi, Antigen, Oh My Zsh, Powerlevel10k, Oh My Tmux, GEF, and the ultimate vimrc

Primary LanguageShell

HHousen's dotfiles

HHousen's configuration files managed by chezmoi. Uses Zsh, Antigen for plugin management, Oh My Zsh for plugins and themes, powerlevel10k as the theme, Oh My Tmux for custom tmux configuration, GEF for extra features for GDB, and the ultimate vim configuration.


Note: dot_zshrc.tmpl is set up to use conda. Make sure to set conda_path in ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml so chezmoi can add conda to your path correctly. This is accomplished through chezmoi's templates.

My ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml contains the following:


If you don't use conda then your file should look like this:


One Command

Run sh -c "$(curl -fsLS git.io/chezmoi)" -- init --apply HHousen to get everything downloaded and installed or follow the individual steps below.

Individual Steps

  1. Install chezmoi by following chezmoi's install guide. You can learn more about chezmoi by reading their quick start guide or how-to guide.

  2. Initialize chezmoi using this repository: chezmoi init https://github.com/HHousen/dotfiles.git.

  3. Preview changes that chezmoi would make to your $HOME: chezmoi diff.

  4. Apply the changes: chezmoi apply. This will automatically install antigen and packages required for certain plugins using the run_once_install-packages.sh script. Upon the first launch, antigen will initialize and install everything else.

  5. Launch zsh: zsh.


The font I use is the Meslo Nerd Font patched for Powerlevel10k.