This app is nothing more than an example of how to create an MVP (Model View Presenter) application using RX (Reactive).
MVP breaks down an application into more testable components keeping your internal business objects and data separate from the external UI or external data.
The app simply loads a list of Game Of Throne Characters from a JSON hosting website and displays that information to the screen in a list and grid format.
The following two end points will be discussed:
The application architecture is as followed:
Apache License 2.0. Free to use & distribute.
Only the original build flavors release / debug. Use Debug since this not an app for the google play store.
This project supports the following type of tests:
- Java Unit Test
- Robolectric(There are none - and that was intentional to show how you can test without this when you use MVP)
To run all unit tests:
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
To run all integration tests:
./gradlew integrationTest '-Pintegration=true'