Card Game Memory (Rust) 🦀

This tutorial, for building a memory game in RUST, is provided by the Slint GUI Framework official page, which must be visited here

Slint GUI is awesome, and reveals use cases in: embedded, Desktop apps, Industrial, Automotive...

The game consists of a grid of 16 rectangular tiles, clicking on tile uncovers an icon underneath. Each tile has a sibling somewhere in the grid...
Final objective is to connect all icons pairs.
Uncovering two tiles disable for few millisecs the entire game, in order for the user to not be able to uncover more than two tiles at a time...

Installation - Prerequisites

  • Windows, MacOS, or Linux operating system
  • Rust installed on your system (along with cargo)

As usual, you can git clone this repository, navigate to the clone folder, and simply run cargo build to build the executable, followed by cargo run to run the game and test the RAM of your brain !

If you do not have Rust installed on your system, please refer to the official documentation, by following the Rust Getting Started Guide

This little GUI Game is intended to work on any platform you're using, whether *NIX flavored or Windows.


Here's a screenshot of the launched game: