Results of module 'background_fit' are not reproducible

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Repeated execution of 'background_fit' with identical input shows different results.
Behavior can be reproduced with

 python3 ../../src/background_fit.py --pds test_background_pds.csv --summary test_background_summary.csv --ofac_pds test_background_ofac_pds.csv --bins 300

Deviation in 'Hmax' is significant:

1st run: 10443.844542299583
2nd run: 10449.024796593862
3rd run: 10430.003248623914

I assume you didn't see the explanation of the issue (see #12), because I was only mention instead of assigning you.

I would expect the identical result (here Hmax for example) within numerical accuracy if the module is executed with the same input, if there is no random process anywhere.

Add np.random.seed as parameter to get reproducible results needed for unit testing.