
  • Login form:

    • Only login form on first visit
    • user can type his name
    • user can submit this form (no validation needed)
  • After submitting the login form:

    • User's info stored in Database
    • user's name appears on the navbar with something like "Welcome, userName"
    • redirect the user to the main page
  • The main listing page should display all the products with their:

    • image
    • name
    • price
    • time created
    • sort feature
      • price
      • time created
      • name
  • Clicking on a single product:

    • sends the user to that products’ detail page,
  • Detail Page:

    • user can see detailed product information
      • seller
      • created_at
      • categories
      • product_id
      • etc.
  • The user should be able to go back to the main page from the product-detail one

Key points:

  • Use React and Redux to build this app.
  • Use a database(MongoDB is preferred) to store user's information in it. The App should have a functionality to show all users that were previously logged in.
  • Create a feature that will allow to sort the products on the main page based on their price, time created, and name.
  • Set up cookies for user data
  • Prevent unlogged users from going to the main page(or product-details page).
  • Host it on any platform you want(ex. AWS, Heroku etc.)

Bonus points:

  • Use SSR
  • Build some unit tests for this App(ex. using jest, mocha etc.)
  • Implement pagination for the main page, so it will show 20-25 products per page.