
Frontend for Data-warehouse's project (2021II_INT3207_1)

Primary LanguageDart

BottomCV 🏢

A Flutter application for finding a job for your pathetic career


This application requires

Wemap SDK, flutter

Run Pub get

Notice: The main android project is under ./data_warehouse_app, so open this folder on Android studio.

If you want to open the whole project (wemapgl + data_warehouse_app), remember to change your Dart entry point (Run -> Dart entrypoint) to .\data_warehouse_app\data_warehouse_app\lib\main.dart (not data_warehouse_app\lib\main.dart)


  • Show list job by category in home screen
  • Job detail screen have a map show route from current location to the job.
  • Find job around you by pre-set distance (job near by each other can be unioned).



Data & References

Data is crawled from Topcv

UI is cloned and modifed from Best-Flutter-UI-Templates