
System Programming Project

This project encompasses various system programming concepts implemented in C, covering process management, file operations, and resource allocation algorithms.


This project demonstrates system programming concepts using C, covering a variety of topics such as process management, file operations, and resource allocation algorithms. Additionally, it includes basic Bash scripts for system-related tasks.


  • Process Management: Implementations of process creation, parent-child relationships, and concepts like orphan and zombie processes.
  • File Operations: Examples of file creation, reading, writing, linking, and obtaining file information.
  • Resource Allocation Algorithms: Illustrations of avoidance and detection methods for handling resource allocation in a multi-process system.
  • Basic Bash Scripts: Simple Bash scripts to perform system-related tasks.

Code Sections

Process Management

  • process_management.c: Demonstrates basic process creation, parent-child relationships, and concepts like orphan and zombie processes.

File Operations

  • file_operations.c: Illustrates file creation, reading, writing, linking, unlinking, and obtaining file information.

Resource Allocation Algorithms

  • resource_allocation.c: Implements the Banker's algorithm for resource allocation, focusing on both avoidance and detection strategies.

Basic Bash Scripts

  • armstrong.sh: A Bash script for [e.g. Find Armstrong number].
  • count_vowels.sh: Another Bash script for [e.g. Finding vowels count in a file].


Clone the repository to your local machine and compile the C programs using a C compiler.

git clone https://github.com/your_username/system-programming-project.git
cd system-programming-project
gcc process_management.c -o process_management
gcc file_operations.c -o file_operations
gcc resource_allocation.c -o resource_allocation


  • Run Compiled C programs:
  • Execute Bash Scripts:
bash basic_script_1.sh
bash basic_script_2.sh


  • Feel free to contribute by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or code contributions. Follow these steps:
    • Fork the repository.
    • Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature-name.
    • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add feature'.
    • Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name.
    • Submit a pull request.