
Official code repository for the main conference paper in EMNLP 2022: SubeventWriter: Iterative Sub-event Sequence Generation with Coherence Controller

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SubeventWriter: Iterative Sub-event Sequence Generation with Coherence Controller

This repository is the official implementation of SubeventWriter: Iterative Sub-event Sequence Generation with Coherence Controller.

The paper is accepted to the main conference of EMNLP 2022.

Model An Overview of Our Method


Python version is 3.8.5



You can install all requirements with the command

pip install -r requirements.txt


We extract a large dataset from WikiHow, containing (process, sub-event sequence) pairs. To get our WikiHow dataset, unzip the file datasets.zip. The data for training Seq2Seq LM is in datasets/WikiHow_data_for_Seq2SeqLM The data for training Coherence Controller is datasets/WikiHow_data_for_coherence_controller We also used SMILE download and DeScript download as out-of-distribution datasets. We also provide two Python scripts to convert their XML files into json with the format we use in WikiHow data. The order of using them:

  • OOD_dataset/convert_xml_to_json.py: this file converts XML files in a dataset into json files.
  • OOD_dataset/reformat_json.py: merges all json files into one and reorganizes to the format of WikiHow data


SubeventWriter contains two components that your need to fine-tune: a Seq2Seq LM that generates sub-events iteratively in the temporal order and a coherence controller.

Step1: Fine-tune the Seq2Seq LM

First, you need to fine-tune a Seq2Seq LM. Take training BART-base as an example:

sh training_script/single_gpu.sh 5e-5 4 32 1 32 facebook/bart-base LM AdamW /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

In this command, 5e-5 4 32 1 32 are learning rate, epoch, training batch size, gradient accumulation step, evaluation batch size. facebook/bart-base LM AdamW are model name, prompt template type, optimizer. You need to replace /your/output/dir with your own path to the folder where the fine-tuned model will be saved, /your/data/dir with your own path where input data is saved.

You can also use multiple GPUs to fine-tune a large model, like T5-3b. The arguments of training_script/multi_gpu.sh are the same as training_script/single_gpu.sh, except that you need to add a gpu number after the model name. Here we use 2 GPUs to fine-tune T5-3b.

sh training_script/multi_gpu.sh 5e-5 4 4 8 4 t5-3b 2 sentinel Adafactor /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

What are prompt template type?

Different pre-trained language models have different special tokens and different way to pre-train. To make input similar to the pre-training stage, we write the prompt template LM for BART and another sentinel for T5. These two models are the two Seq2Seq LM used in our experiments.

How to get total batch size?

We use gradient accumulation to get a bigger training batch size. We may also have multiple gpu number. The training batch size passed in arguments is not the total batch size. The formula is:

$$ \text{Total batch size} = \text{training batch size} \times \text{gpu number} \times \text{gradient accumulation step} $$

Whether your fine-tuned Seq2Seq LM can work?

After training, our code will predict sub-event sequences using fine-tuned Seq2Seq LM. The results are saved in the folder generation under /your/output/dir. There are four files. generation/full_script_test.json and generation/full_script_valid.json are results of sub-event sequences given processes. generation/test.json and generation/valid.json are results of next sub-event, given process and prior sub-events. You can read the generation to judge.

Command for other models: We fine-tuned BART-base/large and T5-base/large/3b. The commands to fine-tune all sizes of models are included in training_seq2seqlm/command.sh.

Step2: Train coherence controller

Second, you need to train a coherence controller.

sh training_coco/train_coco.sh 1e-5 5 128 /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

In this command, 1e-5 5 128 are learning rate, epoch, training batch size. Same as Step1, /your/output/dir and /your/data/dir are folders of fine-tuned output and input data. The above command is also included in training_coco/command.sh.


Now, you can use your Seq2Seq LM to generate sub-event sequences on validation and testing sets with the help of your coherence controller.

sh decoding/single_gpu.sh 2 64 LM /trained/seq2seqlm /trained/coco /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

2 64 LM are the weight $\lambda$ of coherence scores, evaluation batch size and prompt template type, respectively. /trained/seq2seqlm and /trained/coco are the paths of your fine-tuned Seq2Seq LM and your fine-tuned coherence controller. Same as Step1, /your/output/dir and /your/data/dir are folders of decoding output and input data.

The predicted sub-event sequences are saved in the folder generation under /your/output/dir. generation/full_script_test.json and generation/full_script_valid.json are results of sub-event sequences given processes.

Command for other models: The commands to decode all sizes of models are included in decoding/command.sh.


To evaluate the generated sub-event sequences, use the following command. Pass the path /your/output/dir used in the inference stage to the arugment --gen_path.

python process_eval.py --gen_path  /path/to/output/

If you have multiple runs, like grid searching learning rates with the following folder structure:


the following command will find all runs in the folder /common_path/. The command will print their performance, compare them and point out the best one according to the sum of all metrics.

python process_eval.py --gen_path /common_path/ --result_list


All-at-once Seq2Seq

fine-tune All-at-once Seq2Seq (BART-base):

sh baseline/single_gpu.sh 5e-5 4 32 1 64 facebook/bart-base LM AdamW /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

Use multiple GPUs to fine-tune T5-3b:

sh baseline/multi_gpu.sh 1e-4 4 4 4 4 t5-3b 2 sentinel Adafactor /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

Every argument is the same as fine-tuning a Seq2Seq LM in Step1: Fine-tune the Seq2Seq LM

Command for other models: The commands to decode all sizes of models are included in baseline/command.sh.

Top-one Similar Sequence

The command to run Top-one Similar Sequence (Glove):

python top1_sim_baseline.py --train_file /train/file/path --valid_file /valid/file/path --test_file /test/file/path \
--output_dir /your/output/path --sim_func glove --embedding_path /path/to/glove.6B.300d.txt

The command to run Top-one Similar Sequence (SBert):

python top1_sim_baseline.py --train_file /train/file/path --valid_file /valid/file/path --test_file /test/file/path \
--output_dir /your/output/path --sim_func sbert --model_name_or_path sentence-transformers/bert-base-wikipedia-sections-mean-tokens

For Glove, we use glove.6B.300d.txt download. For Sentence-BERT, we use sentence-transformers/bert-base-wikipedia-sections-mean-tokens, which will be downloaded automatically by huggingface. All the two commands are included in baseline/command.sh.

Zero-shot Large LM

All the two following commands are included in baseline/command.sh. Zero-shot Large LM (GPT-J 6b). 4 4 are evaluation batch size and gpu number, respectively.

sh baseline/run_gpt-j.sh 4 4 /your/output/dir /your/data/dir

Zero-shot Large LM (T5-11b). For T5-11b, we use DeepSpeed, which can detect gpu number automatically. Thus, you only need give evaluation batch size, which is 2 in our case.

sh baseline/run_t5-11b.sh 2 /your/output/dir /your/data/dir


If you find any typo or bug, please open an issue.