DLP LightCrafter 4500 Command Line for Windows
Source code to create a simple command line control program for the TI DLP LightCrafter 4500. Using the HDMI input as the image source, this source switches into a 180Hz 7-bit per plane with various options to control the LEDs. It can be easily extended to initialize the device into other modes.
usage: LCr4500Init --color [RGB|R|B|G|W] --mode [video|structuredlight|reset|powerdown|powerup|noChange]
--status --version
no parameters is same as --color W --mode structuredlight
parameters can be abbreviated to a single character, unless first character options are not unique
LCr4500Init --color rgb --mode video
Same state as if the device just powered on (video processing RGB output).
LCr4500Init --color r --mode stucturedlight
180Hz refresh, each 7-bit color plane is interpreted as a separate image. Planes are presented in the sequence GRB. Only use the Red output LED.
LCr4500Init --color w --mode stucturedlight
180Hz refresh, each 7-bit color plane is interpreted as a separate image. Turn on all three LEDs for each color plane.