Organization: har behov av information om status
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Anger status för organisationen.
Kan vara:
- Aktiv
Vilande- Avregistrerad (boolean) fungerar inte då den är boolean och då det rör information om organisationen ("Whether the organization's record is still in active use"), inte organisationen i sig.
Relevant Jira ticket:
Quote from GG: "active is a property of the record, not the organization." "Add a way to specify if an Organization is active or not"
Relevant extension for this:
It can help but won't go all the way since we might not know when an organisation is active since.
We will await discussion about active status in HL7 WGM in Atlanta Sep 22-26-ish.
If there is a standard extension, we will be able to use that extension in the Swedish base profiles.