- 7
- 26
Restrict the personnummer slice of Patient.identifier.value to only allow digits? Add regex for all known identifier types used nationally?
#51 opened by vjernelov - 1
Status av SEBaseHumanName
#94 opened by claudiaehr - 3
- 0
- 0
Se över URLar rörande bla. resolvbarhet
#93 opened by danka74 - 4
- 7
Organization: behov av information om ägarform
#63 opened by danka74 - 4
Organization: har behov av information om status
#62 opened by danka74 - 3
- 0
Process for making breaking changes, new major versions, multiple major versions
#87 opened by danka74 - 16
Translation of HL7 code systems
#76 opened by danka74 - 0
Identifer.use fixed values?
#86 opened by danka74 - 0
- 0
Organization of input files
#83 opened by danka74 - 1
Include birthTime extension to support neo-natal patients / consider highlighting the use of that extension
#79 opened by vjernelov - 4
- 3
Package id error
#75 opened by danka74 - 1
Create a supplementary Swedish terminology package
#74 opened by vadi2 - 7
- 0
Include ehrId identifier slice
#73 opened by vjernelov - 3
Update IG to use Swedish SNOMED edition
#57 opened by vadi2 - 3
Bug in SE base profile for Patient
#50 opened by vjernelov - 2
Publish to official HL7 registry
#49 opened by HL7Sverige - 4
- 0
- 0
Expand Practitioner valuesets
#66 opened by vadi2 - 0
Slicing cannot be evaluated in
#65 opened by MangalaEkanayake - 1
- 0
Change base profiles to be abstract
#58 opened by claudiaehr - 0
Fix QA errors/warnings
#56 opened by vadi2 - 1
- 7
Formal build and upload to fhir registry
#53 opened by HL7Sverige - 1
- 0
Ta fram profil för Medication
#45 opened by HL7Sverige - 3
VG/VE - ta fram förslag
#33 opened by HL7Sverige - 3
Organization - identifier
#29 opened by HL7Sverige - 12
Organization - type
#30 opened by HL7Sverige - 0
Practitioner - dokumentation i IG
#43 opened by HL7Sverige - 0
- 0
Ta fram riktlinje för användande av KVÅ koder
#37 opened by HL7Sverige - 1
Ta fram riktlinje för användande av ICF koder
#38 opened by HL7Sverige - 1
Ta fram datatypsprofil för ATC koder
#34 opened by HL7Sverige - 1
Ta fram datatypsprofil för NPU koder
#35 opened by HL7Sverige - 4
Fastslå identifierare för kodverk för legitimationsyrken samt legitimationskod/identifierare
#39 opened by danka74 - 6
Patient - MaritalStatus
#28 opened by HL7Sverige - 3
Patient Adress
#26 opened by HL7Sverige - 2
Egen kod för "skyddad folkbokföring"?
#42 opened by emmeligross - 2
- 2
Patient - NamePartQualifierVS
#27 opened by HL7Sverige