The implementation of the paper "Retrieval-Free Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Response Generation with Adapters".
- bryanwilieHKUST, @HLTCHKUST, @IndoNLP
- cooperleong00
- e0397123National University of Singapore (ECE-HLT)
- etsukokusteThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- gentaiscoolCapital One AI Foundations
- ImKeTTUC Santa Cruz
- JoeyGump
- JudePark96Buzzni
- lizhenpingUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- lulia0228
- lwaekfjlkCKC@ZJU -> LTI@CMU -> CS@UIUC
- Pengjinzhi
- SinclairCoderChina
- wangxiericUniversity of Sheffield
- wenliangdaiNVIDIA; HKUST
- yana-xuyanHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- zliucrHong Kong University of Science and Technology