
Library for resolving JSON-Ref and JSON-LD style object references

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Library for resolving JSON-Ref and JSON-LD style object references. Based on System.Text.Json.

#r "nuget: JsonRef.NET"

open JsonRef.NET

JsonRefResolver.resolve jsonString


JSON-LD supports references to objects with a reserved key @id which can be used either as an object identifier or a reference to an object identifier. The value of @id must be a string. E.g. The following object:

      "@id" : "TheID",
      "value" : "MyValue"

might be referenced in another part of the json file as follows:

      "@id" : "TheID"


This kind of reference can be resolved with a single function call, either with a serialized json string as input or on a deserialized System.Text.Json JsonNode.

E.g. the following json object based on the example above:

let simpleJson = 
    "source": {
        "@id" : "TheID",
        "value" : "MyValue"
    "target": {
        "@id" : "TheID"

can be resolved as follows:

#r "nuget: JsonRef.NET"

open JsonRef.NET

JsonRefResolver.resolve simpleJson

resulting in:

    "source": {
      "@id" : "TheID",
      "value" : "MyValue"
    "target": {
      "@id" : "TheID",
      "value" : "MyValue"

or alternatively working on a System.Text.Json JsonNode:

#r "nuget: JsonRef.NET"

open JsonRef.NET
open System.Text.Json

let jsonNode = Nodes.JsonObject.Parse(simpleJson)

JsonRefResolver.resolve jsonNode

Recursive references

Currently there is no support for autodetection of recursive references. Instead, you can give a exclusion lists for fields that should not be resolved:

#r "nuget: JsonRef.NET"

open JsonRef.NET

let options = JsonRefResolverOptions(IgnoreFields = [|"ignoreValue"|])


Resolve references across files

If you want to insert JSON-LD objects of one json string into referencing objects of another string, you can use the following approach:

#r "nuget: JsonRef.NET"

open JsonRef.NET
open System.Text.Json

let referencejsonNode = Nodes.JsonObject.Parse(referenceJsonString)
let targetjsonNode = Nodes.JsonObject.Parse(targetJsonString)
let options = JsonRefResolverOptions.defaultOptions

let referenceObjects = JsonRefResolver.collectObjects(referencejsonNode,options)

|> fun s -> s.ToJsonString()