
HMS ads java severdemo demonstrates how to use java code to invoke the restful API of the HMS Ads Kit.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HMS Ads Kit Java Severdemo

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Table of Contents


Java sample demonstrates how to use Java code to invoke the restful API of the Ads Kit.


Before using Java sample code, check whether the Java environment has been installed.


To use functions provided by Ads Kit restful API, you need to set related parameters in the request.

access token: the request token for the request, it can be obtained from the Developers Web.

requestUrl: URL for accessing Ads Kit, please refer to the restful API References.

Supported Environments

The Java version is 1.7.0 or later.

Sample Code

The following describes methods to invoke a restful API.

1). Send an message to create a dataCollector. You need to assign a value to the request body based on the corresponding format and use the POST method to send the message body to the corresponding URL.

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Ads Kit Java code sample is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.