Java sample code encapsulates APIs of the HUAWEI Push Kit server. It provides many sample programs for your reference or usage.
- a-reznicReznic Software
- Alex673376
- Alice135670
- Alsa-nan
- Blackgongmax
- bluesky129
- Bob1562021
- cayre
- cheroer
- CoDoDas
- DamienLee2017
- eason1196
- echoes11Moscow
- edwardxieChina
- hunterxxxContinental
- ivanbarayev@TeamlifyLLC
- Jisoo134
- joey-happy
- KornaRussia, Saint Petersburg
- lakakala
- madgrkCOSMOTE Mobile Telecommunications S.A.
- methol
- Michael134-bit
- Mike-mei
- morristech@ShopriteX
- msh01China
- niceTeen84the blue planet
- pcpl2Poland
- sanyangkaikai
- singgelJDCloud;ByteDance;XueQiu;YiChe;Catarc
- snowtank
- tiantian0303China
- vleushinRiga
- wintrychen
- yjiyjigekingsoft
- zzcha