The FT232H is a single channel USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (480Mb/s) to UART/FIFO IC. It has a Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine (MPSSE). The MPSSE can be configured to a number of industry standard serial interface protocols such as JTAG, I2C or SPI (MASTER), or it can be used to implement a proprietary bus protocol. [1]
UM232H Pin Out
│ ║ USB ║ │
│ ║ ║ │
J2-1│ ╚═════╝ │J1-1
───┤ SLD GND ├─P─
*┌─P─┤ VIO 5V0 ├─◄─┐*
└─◄►┤ 3V3 USB ├─►─┘
─C─┤ PU2 RST# ├─◄─
─C─┤ PU1 AC9 ├◄►─
─P─┤ GND AC8 ├◄►─
─◄─┤ AD0 AC7 ├◄►─
─►─┤ AD1 AC6 ├◄►─
─◄─┤ AD2 AC5 ├◄►─
─►─┤ AD3 AC4 ├◄►─
─◄─┤ AD4 AC3 ├◄►─
─►─┤ AD5 AC2 ├◄►─
─►─┤ AD6 AC1 ├◄►─
─►─┤ AD7 AC0 ├◄►─
* USB bus powered configuration