Set background random background images in Intellij editor.
Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Background Image Plus
- Backgrounds: folder (recursive) to pull random background images from
- Change every: Set interval to change background every x seconds/minutes/hours/days
- Change mode: Set environment for change (if choose "both", then "Keep same image" will keep same image in both environments)
- Set Background Image (set image properties : opacity/fill/anchor/flip ...)
- Random Background Image
- Random Order Reset (regenerate a new round of image order based on the last file path)
- Clear Background Image (cancels "change every" interval)
- Set backgrounds folder
- Optionally set "change every" interval
- Optionally bind "Random Background Image" action to a hotkey
- Optionally bind "Random Order Reset" action to a hotkey
- Cycle background images while procrastinating