HNicad's Stars
Telegram bot that helps to search home to rent
This is a primitive console game 2048 coded in 'C'. No bugs witnessed. All the needed explanations are done in the code as comments. Several output screenshots are added to the files.
This is a recursive algorithm which shows the entered numbers whether create binary search tree or not. All the other explanations are done in the code as comment lines. Also, several output screenshots are added to the files.
This is a GUI application which simulates demo exchange app. All the needed information is given in the README file.
This program simulates the flights between the major capitals, such as Baku, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Canberra, Ottawa and so on around the world. All the needed explanations are given in the README file and codes as comment lines.
This is a program which compresses a string by Huffman Coding and generates it into Huffman Tree. All the needed information are given in README and in the code as comments.
This is an Assembly code which checks whether there are 3 numbers which can be the length of sides of triangle or not. If there are, it finds the numbers which create triangle with smallest area. All the other explanations are given in README (English) and in the code as comments (Turkish).