
Provide example text file (from WMQL) for AL/KS

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As discussed here

#Import the freesurfer label definitions from the Desikan atlas (Desikan et al 2006)
import FreeSurfer.qry

#Define the temporal lobe but ignore it on the output using the |= operator
temporal.side |= (
(entorhinal.side or parahippocampal.side or temporalpole.side or
fusiform.side or superiortemporal.side or middletemporal.side or
inferiortemporal.side or transversetemporal.side or bankssts.side)

temporal_anterior_section.side |= temporal.side and anterior_of(amygdala.side)

#Define the frontal regions connected to the uncinate fasciculus
inferior_frontal_gyrus.side |= (
parsopercularis.side or parstriangularis.side or parsorbitalis.side

orbito_frontal_gyrus.side |= (
lateralorbitofrontal.side or

middle_frontal_gyrus.side |= caudalmiddlefrontal.side or rostralmiddlefrontal.side

#Example WMQL Text file

#Define bi-laterally the uncinate-fasciculus
uncinate.side = (
endpoints_in(temporal_anterior_section.side) and
insula.side and
inferior_frontal_gyrus.side or
middle_frontal_gyrus.side or