
An R 📦 making it easy to access multiple kinds of spatial data 🛰 via R. All BETA.

Primary LanguageR



getSpatialData is an R package in an early development stage that ultimately aims to provide homogeneous function bundles to query, download, prepare and transform various kinds of spatial datasets from open sources, e.g. Satellite sensor data, higher-level environmental data products etc. The current version is a beta version, meant to be used for functionality tests. The included functions and their concepts are exploratory and could be removed or changed.

getSpatialData supports both sf and sp classes as AOI inputs.

State of development

Lately, an R-native getSentinel function bundle has been deployed, which enables the user to easily query, preview and download Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 data directly from R. The client is coded in R and works independently from external libraries. It is currently tested for minor bugs (please report bugs if you find some).

A universal AOI defintion function has been implemented (see set_aoi). It understands different spatial objects representing the user's AOI and translates them depending on the client function that the user wants to use. It supports multi-point polygon shape objects (sp and sf) or matrix objects. Alternatively, it lets the user draw an AOI via mapedit.

Currently, a NASA EE and USGS ESPA R client is being implemented, which will allow the user to query, preview, process-on-demand and download imagery from Landsat, MODIS etc. directly within R. The client is wirtten in R and will be published as soon as its base functionalities can be tested.

Available functions

The following functions are publicly available and have been tested on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.10) and Windows 10:

main functions

  • getSentinel_query() – querys the Copernicus Open Access Hubs for Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 data and returns a data frame containing the found datasets (rows) and their attributes (columns).
  • getSentinel_preview() – uses the output of getSentinel_query() to preview an user-selected, individual dataset within in an R plotting device without the necessity to download the dataset first.
  • getSentinel_data() – uses the output of getSentinel_query() to download the specified datasets to a local directory as .zip files. A transform function bundle helping to deal with the downloaded files within R without expert knowledge will follow soon.

helper functions

  • set_login_CopHub – define your Copernicus Open Access login credentials once for the present R session to be able to call each getSentinel* function without defining login arguments each time you use them.
  • set_archive – define a getSpatialData archive directory to which all *_data functions will download data.
  • set_aoi - draw or define an AOI as sf, sp or matrix object for the running session that can be used by all query functions.
  • view_aoi - display the session AOI in an interactive mapview/leaflet map viewer.


For all current functions publicly available, documentation is available, containing information on the expected arguments, the return and examples. The files can be accessed executing a command like ?getSentinel_query.


To install the current beta version, use devtools.



The following code represents a working chain for querying, filtering, previewing and downloading Sentinel-2 data within R. This can be also done for Sentinel-1 or -3.

## Load packages

## Define an AOI (either matrix, sf or sp object)
data("aoi_data") # example aoi

aoi <- aoi_data[[3]] # AOI as matrix object, or better:
aoi <- aoi_data[[2]] # AOI as sp object, or:
aoi <- aoi_data[[1]] # AOI as sf object
#instead, you could define an AOI yourself, e.g. as simple matrix

## set AOI for this session
view_aoi() #view AOI in viewer
# or, simply call set_aoi() without argument to interactively draw an AOI

## Define time range and platform
time_range <-  c("2017-08-01", "2017-08-30")
platform <- "Sentinel-2"

## set login credentials and archive directory
set_login_CopHub(hub_user = "username") #asks for password or define 'hub_pass'

## Use getSentinel_query to search for data (using the session AOI)
products <- getSentinel_query(time_range = time_range, platform = platform)

## Get an overview of the products
View(products) #get an overview about the search products
## displays similar to this in RStudio:

Figure 1: Screenshot of the RStudio View() browser, displaying the products data.frame returned by getSentinel_query

## Filter the products
colnames(products) #see all available filter attributes
unique(products$processinglevel) #use one of the, e.g. to see available processing levels

products_filtered <- products[which(products$processinglevel == "Level-1C"),] #filter by Level

## Preview a single product
getSentinel_preview(product = products_filtered[5,])
# This will plot a preview to the active plotting device, is plotted like this:

Figure 2: Screenshot of the RStudio plotting window, displaying a product preview returned by getSentinel_preview

## Download some datasets to your archive directory
files <- getSentinel_data(products = products_filtered[c(4,5,6), ])


Ideas on possible data sources to be included, technical ideas or other are welcome! Open an issue to start a discussion: https://github.com/16eagle/getSpatialData/issues


The following data sources are being evaluated to be implemented within the package. This also includes sources which can be already accessed through existing packages that could be wrapped behind an standardized R function interface. Please feel free to contribute to the list, e. g. through a pull request:

Product(s) Source API/URL Status Contributor Remark
Sentinel (-1/-2/-3) ESA Copernicus Copernicus Open Access Hub, https://scihub.copernicus.eu/ implemented @16eagle included: getSentinel*
MODIS NASA/USGS DAAC API, https://modis.ornl.gov/data/modis_webservice.html ongoing @16eagle wrapper to MODIS
Landsat NASA ESPA API, https://landsat.usgs.gov/landsat-data-access ongoing
Global Forest Change Hansen et al. http://azvoleff.com/articles/analyzing-forest-change-with-gfcanalysis planned wrapper to gfcanalysis
CMIP5/PMIP3 Global Climate ecoClimate http://ecoclimate.org/about/ planned wrapper to ecoClimate
Copernicus Global Land Products ESA Copernicus http://land.copernicus.eu/ evaluated
CHELSA Global Land Climate Karger et al. http://chelsa-climate.org/ evaluated
Global Forest Cover EU-JRC http://remote-sensing-biodiversity.org/forest-cover-and-forest-cover-pattern-data-by-jrc/ evaluated
Global Surface Dynamics EU-JRC http://remote-sensing-biodiversity.org/global-water-dynamics-data/ evaluated
Global Soil Grids Hengl et al. http://remote-sensing-biodiversity.org/global-soil-data-soilgrids/ evaluated
Global Urban Footprint Esch et al. https://urban-tep.eo.esa.int/geobrowser/?id=portfolio#!&context=GUF%2FGUF2012-12m evaluated
UK Urban Areas LiDAR UK Environment Agency http://remote-sensing-biodiversity.org/free-lidar-data-for-some-uk-cities/ evaluated
Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Wang et al. http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/set/ulandsat-hbase-v1 evaluated
GIMMS NDVI3g NASA https://nex.nasa.gov/nex/projects/1349/ evaluated wrapper to GIMMS