Commander is a simple, extensible, and configurable command framework for C# developers.
It's based on a simple idea of giving string input to the program and returning a string containing the result of the execution of the command based on the input.
- Automatic command naming based on method name (overridable by attribute).
- Automatic conversion and piping of string input to relevant data type(s) based on the command's method parameter.
- Automatic usage example generation.
- Automatic command documentation based on method attributes and the method itself.
- Automatic input splitting based on whitespace, preserves single and double quoted strings.
- Automatic command dispatching.
- Includes a default help command.
- Add custom parameter convertors.
- Add custom input splitters.
- Add custom help command.
- Detailed command documentation with special character sequences.
- Command groups and nestable commands.
- Required and optional command parameters, with optional parameters having default value(s).
- Organizational unit 'Cog' which is a class that contains commands and it can optionally group commands together.
- Dead simple execution through the program Run method.
- Error handling.
Commander can be used to implement command systems for games, command line tools, chat bots etc.
It accomplishes this goal by enforcing the input of a command string to the program and forcing all commands to return a string containing the result of the commands' execution.
Below is a simple example of how to use this framework.
/* ExampleCog.cs */
using Commander;
namespace Quickstart {
public class ExampleCog : Commander.Cog {
public ExampleCog(Program program) : base(program) {
[Commander.Command(Description="Repeats the given message.")]
[Commander.Example("@c hello")]
[Commander.Example("@c 'hello world!'")]
public string Echo(string message) {
return message;
[Commander.Command(Description="Adds numbers together.")]
[Commander.Example("@c 10")]
[Commander.Example("@c 5 16")]
public string Add(int a, int b = 10) {
return (a + b).ToString();
/* ExampleProgram.cs */
using Commander;
namespace Quickstart {
public class ExampleProgram : Commander.Program
public ExampleProgram() : base("ExampleProgram")
Register(new ExampleCog(this));
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var program = new ExampleProgram();
Console.WriteLn(program.Run("ExampleProgram echo 'hello world!'"));
Console.WriteLn(program.Run("ExampleProgram add 400 20"));
Console.WriteLn(program.Run("ExampleProgram help"));
Console.WriteLn(program.Run("ExampleProgram help add"));
[ ] Finish Unit tests.[ ] Add flag parser.- Add argument preprocessor for commands ala discordpy ? E.g.: myFunc(string arg1, int arg2)
- Add code comments
- Complete unit tests (current: 85% Coverage)
- Add code docs
- Add examples
- Prettify
- Add command usage info generation from metadata
- Add special sequence parser
- Add input splitter to program
- Add default help command
This all could have gone in a project right?