Prometheus exporter for Dell Hardware components using OMSA.
The exporter was originally made by PrFalken. Due to some issues in the code, I rewrote the whole exporter using the "node_exporter" pattern and therefore moved it from being a fork out, to a standalone repository.
Omreport parsing functions were borrowed from the Bosun project, thank you very much for that, they are the most tedious part of the job.
This exporter wraps the "omreport" command from Dell OMSA. If you can't run omreport on your system, the exporter won't export any metrics.
The dellhw_exporter has been tested with the following OMSA versions:
Please note that only kernel versions that are supported by DELL DSU / OMSA tools are working!
State 07.06.2019: Dell OMSA DSU_19.05.00
is not compatible with 5.x kernel it seems (e.g., Fedora uses that kernel).
Should you run into issues when using the Docker image, please follow the Troubleshooting - No metrics being exported.
Which collectors are enabled is controlled by the --colectors.enabled
All collectors are enabled by default. You can disable collectors by specifying the whole list of collectors through the --collectors.enabled
Name | Description |
chassis | Overall status of chassis components. |
chassis_batteries | Overall status of chassis CMOS batteries. |
fans | Overall status of system fans. |
memory | System RAM DIMM status. |
nics | NICs connection status. |
processors | Overall status of CPUs. |
ps | Overall status of power supplies. |
ps_amps_sysboard_pwr | System board power usage. |
storage_battery | Status of storage controller backup batteries. |
storage_controller | Overall status of storage controllers. |
storage_enclosure | Overall status of storage enclosures. |
storage_pdisk | Overall status of physical disks. |
storage_vdisk | Overall status of virtual disks. |
system | Overall status of system components. |
temps | Overall temperatures (in Celsius) and status of system temperature readings. |
volts | Overall volts and status of power supply volt readings. |
Most metrics returned besides temperature, volts, fans RPM count and others, are state indicators which can have the following of the four states:
, the component should be fine.1
, the component is not okay / has potentially failed /Unknown
, the component is not okay, but not critical.
$ dellhw_exporter --help
Usage: dellhw_exporter [OPTION]...
-collectors.cmd-timeout int
Command execution timeout for omreport (default 15)
-collectors.enabled string
Comma separated list of active collectors (default "chassis,chassis_batteries,fans,memory,nics,processors,ps,ps_amps_sysboard_pwr,storage_battery,storage_controller,storage_enclosure,storage_pdisk,storage_vdisk,system,temps,volts")
-collectors.omr-report string
Path to the omReport executable (default "/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omreport")
If true, print available collectors and exit.
!! DEPRECATED !! Starts the Dell OpenManage start script !! DEPRECATED !!
Enable debug output
Show help menu
Show version information
-web.listen-address string
The address to listen on for HTTP requests (default ":9137")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path the metrics will be exposed under (default "/metrics")
For the description of the env vars, see the above equivalent flags.
START_DELL_SRVADMIN_SERVICES # Defaults to `true`, toggle if the srvadmin services are started inside the container
The container image is available from Docker Hub and
docker pull galexrt/dellhw_exporter
docker pull
flag is required as the OMSA needs to access the host devices.
docker run -d --name dellhw_exporter --privileged -p 9137:9137 galexrt/dellhw_exporter
# or for
docker run -d --name dellhw_exporter --privileged -p 9137:9137
Checkout the files in the contrib/monitoring/
If you are not running the Docker container, it is probably that your OMSA / srvadmin services are not running. Start them using the following commands:
/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/ status
/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/ start
echo "return code: $?"
Please note that the return code should be 0
, if not please investigate the logs of srvadmin services.
When running inside the container this most of the time means Be sure to enter the container and run the following commands to verify if the kernel modules have been loaded:
/usr/libexec/instsvcdrv-helper status
lsmod | grep -iE 'dell|dsu'
Should the lsmod
not contain any module named after dell_
and / or dsu_
, be sure to add the following read-only mounts depending on your OS, for the kernel modules directory (/lib/modules
) and / or the kernel source / headers directory (depends hardly on the OS your are using) to the dellhw_exporter
Docker container using -v HOST_PATH:CONTAINER_PATH:ro
is used for vendoring the dependencies.