
SampleMine is a general-purpose system for subgraph pattern mining based on subgraph enumeration and sampling. Example tasks that SampleMine supports are:

  • Subgraph Counting: Counting the embeddings of different subgraph patterns and find the patterns with the largest counts.
  • Frequent Subgraph Mining: Obtaining all frequent subgraph patterns from a labeled input graph based on MNI support.
  • User-Defined Queries: Finding subgraphs that meet the constraints specified by the users.

To reproduce the results in the paper

We provide docker images containing the source code and compiled executables of SampleMine, Peregrine, Automine and Pangolin.

The instructions for testing SampleMine are described in the README of the 'pattern_mining' directory. The 'ComparedSystems' directory includes three subdirectories, each has a README file with instructions for testing Automine, Peregrine and Pangolin.