
This is going to be a Squeak implementation of http://ncase.me/polygons/

Primary LanguageSmalltalk


Build Status


  1. Download the Squeak 5.0 image + VM @ http://ftp.squeak.org/5.0/Squeak-5.0-All-in-One.zip
  2. 'Do' the following code to install the tools needed for gitHub support
"Get the Metacello configuration (for Squeak users)"
Installer gemsource
    project: 'metacello';
    addPackage: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello';

"Bootstrap Metacello Preview, using mcz files (#'previewBootstrap' symbolic version"
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetacello) project 
  version: #'previewBootstrap') load.

"Load the Preview version of Metacello from GitHub"
(Smalltalk at: #Metacello) new
  configuration: 'MetacelloPreview';
  version: #stable;
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:configuration';

"Now load latest version of Metacello"
(Smalltalk at: #Metacello) new
  baseline: 'Metacello';
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:master/repository';
(Smalltalk at: #Metacello) new
  baseline: 'Metacello';
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:master/repository';

2a. (optional)

'Do' Metacello new baseline: 'AutoTDD'; repository: 'github://HPI-SWA-Teaching/AutoTDD:master/packages'; onConflict: [:ex | ex allow]; load

  1. in your Squeak 5.app in Contents/Resources (or wherever you want) do git clone https://github.com/HPI-BP2015H/squeak-parable.git (this repo)
  2. open Monticello Browser and add the FileTree Repository in the folder squeak-parable/packages
  3. open the Repository and load all the packages into your system - DONE!