
Extends telescope with the jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim plugin

Primary LanguageLua

Telescope GPT

Telescope-GPT is an extension for telescope which integrates the ChatGPT plugin.




Using LazyNvim:

return {
        dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim" }
        tag = "0.1.2",
        lazy = false,
        dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
        version = false, 
        opts = {
            extensions = {
                gpt = {
                    title = "Gpt Actions",
                    commands = {
                    theme = require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown{}
        config = function(_, opts)


The default configurations are given in the example above under opts->extensions->gpt

By default, the commands given correspond to the defualt ChatGptRun commands in ChatGPT.nvim.

You can create custom ChatGPTRun commands by following ChatGPT.nvim's readme. Once the custom command has been created, add an entry command config to access it.

In addition to the ChatGPTRun commands, the default chat interface, ChatGPT, is available through chat, and ChatGPTEditWithInstructions via interactive.

The default theme can also be changed via the theme entry.


Call :Telescope gpt to access the commands.

Mapping Telescope gpt to a key in visual and normal mode will allow you to run over visual selections and entire buffers. Telescope doesn't accept visual selections itself, so executing the command above will not work over a visual selection - e.g. :'<,'> Telescope gpt. To work around this, the extension retrieves marks set by a visual selection, and then passes them to the relevant ChatGPT.nvim command.

All commands with the exception ChatGPT will work over a visual selection.