CMake-based TerrSysMP

Primary LanguageCMake


  1. Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP2.git
export TSMP2_DIR=$(realpath TSMP2)
  1. Load the environment variables required for the build.
source env/jsc.2023_Intel.sh
  1. Specify build and install directories.
# Name of the coupled model (e.g. ICON-eCLM, CLM3.5-COSMO-ParFlow, CLM3.5-ParFlow, CLM3.5-ParFlow-PDAF)

# Build artifacts will be generated in this folder. It can be deleted after build.

# Model executables and libraries will be installed here

# Create build and install directories
mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR} ${INSTALL_DIR}
  1. Download the OASIS3-MCT coupling library and the component models that you wish to use. Then save the full path to each model source code to <model-name>_SRC.
## NOTE: Download only the component models that you need! ##

# eCLM
git clone https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/eCLM.git
eCLM_SRC=`realpath eCLM`

git clone https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/spoll/icon2.6.4_oascoup.git
ICON_SRC=`realpath icon2.6.4_oascoup`

# ParFlow
git clone -b v3.12.0 https://github.com/parflow/parflow.git
PARFLOW_SRC=`realpath parflow`

# ParFlow (PDAF-patched)
git clone -b v3.12.0-tsmp https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/parflow
PARFLOW_SRC=`realpath parflow`

# CLM3.5
git clone -b tsmp-patches-v0.1 https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/CLM3.5.git
CLM35_SRC=`realpath CLM3.5`

# COSMO5.01
git clone -b tsmp-oasis https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ModelSystems/tsmp_src/cosmo5.01_fresh.git
COSMO_SRC=`realpath cosmo5.01_fresh`

# OASIS3-MCT (required for coupled models)
git clone -b tsmp-patches-v0.1 https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ExternalReposPublic/oasis3-mct
OASIS_SRC=`realpath oasis3-mct`

git clone -b PDAF_V2.2.1-tsmp https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/pdaf.git
PDAF_SRC=`realpath pdaf`
  1. Run CMake configure step for the model combination that you wish to build. The examples below show different CMake configure commands for each model combination.
# Coupled models requires the option -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}.

cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DeCLM_SRC=${eCLM_SRC}                  \

# eCLM-ParFlow
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DeCLM_SRC=${eCLM_SRC}                  \

# ICON-eCLM-ParFlow
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DeCLM_SRC=${eCLM_SRC}                  \
      -DICON_SRC=${ICON_SRC}		          \

# CLM3.5-COSMO5.01-ParFlow
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DCLM35_SRC=${CLM35_SRC}                \
      -DCOSMO_SRC=${COSMO_SRC}                \

# CLM3.5-ParFlow
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DCLM35_SRC=${CLM35_SRC}                \

# CLM3.5-COSMO5.01
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DCLM35_SRC=${CLM35_SRC}                \

# For standalone models, remove -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}
# and pass the path to the component model (i.e. -D<model-name>_SRC=${<model-name>_SRC}).

# CLM3.5 standalone
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \

# eCLM standalone
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \

# ParFlow standalone
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \

# For TSMP-PDAF builds, add -PDAF_SRC=${PDAF_SRC}

cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DCLM35_SRC=${CLM35_SRC}                \

# CLM3.5-ParFlow-PDAF
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DCLM35_SRC=${CLM35_SRC}                \
      -DPARFLOW_SRC=${PARFLOW_SRC}            \

cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DeCLM_SRC=${eCLM_SRC}                \

# eCLM-ParFlow-PDAF
cmake -S . -B ${BUILD_DIR}                    \
      -DOASIS_SRC=${OASIS_SRC}                \
      -DeCLM_SRC=${eCLM_SRC}                \
      -DPARFLOW_SRC=${PARFLOW_SRC}            \
  1. Build and install the models.
cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR}
cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR}

Resuming a failed build

When the build gets interrupted or fails for some reason, it can be resumed by simply running Step 6:

cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR}
cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR}

Note that this works only if the required environment variables are already set. If you are resuming the build from a fresh terminal session, first you need to run source env/jsc.2023_Intel.sh (Step 2), specify BUILD_DIR (Step 3) and set <model-name>_SRC (Step 4) before you can run Step 6.

Rebuilding specific component models

TSMP2 can rebuild a specific component model via the cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target ${MODEL} command. This may be useful when you need to recompile a component model that has been modified or updated.

# Rebuilding examples

cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target eCLM && cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR}                  # Rebuilds eCLM
cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target ICON && cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR}                  # Rebuilds ICON
cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --clean-first --target ParFlow && cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR} # Does a clean rebuild of ParFlow

Only component models specified during CMake configure step (see Step 5) can be rebuilt. For instance, if you configured TSMP2 to build eCLM-ParFlow, then rebuilding ICON would of course be not possible.

The list below shows all component models supported by TSMP2. To rebuild a component model(s), run one or more commands below, wait until the build succeeds, then finally run cmake --install ${BUILD_DIR} so that the generated libraries and executables are copied to ${INSTALL_DIR}.

  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target eCLM
  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target ParFlow
  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target ICON
  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target OASIS3_MCT
  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target CLM3_5
  • cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR} --target COSMO5_1