##Invoke-PasswordSpray Perform a password spraying attack with powershell. (v2 compatible)
When more than one target is specified, multiple jobs are run in parrallel, and usernames are split among each target. Assuming the second target isn't abnormally slow, this will result in a performance increase.
-Targets The remote machine(s) to attempt to log into [String]
-Users The user(s) to attempt to log in as [String]
-Passwords The password(s) to attempt to log in with [String]
-Delay A delay between each login attempt [Double]
-Jitter Increase the range of randomness in the delay [Double]
"http://example.com/users" (online lists are comma delimited)
"https://example.com/users" (online lists are comma delimited)
Powershell For Loop
1 minute 56 seconds
Powershell Parallel Jobs [1 Target]
1 minute 54 seconds
Powershell Parallel Jobs [2 Targets]
58 seconds
Powershell Parallel Jobs [3 Targets]
41 seconds