This bot tracks the TFT stats of registered users in a discord
To create a docker container for the bot you can run the following command while in the folder:
docker build -t <nameOfBot> .
make sure to replace <nameOfBot> in the docker-compose.yaml file with the name you gave the bot. Then run:
docker-compose up
you should then see:
eifftracker-python-1 | 2023-07-19 12:31:40 INFO discord.client logging in using static token
eifftracker-python-1 | 2023-07-19 12:31:41 INFO discord.gateway Shard ID None has connected to Gateway (Session ID: <your id>).
- $help
- help commands shows all the commands, how they should be used and what they do
- $firstoreiff
- rolls to see if you'll go first or eiff next game
- $register
- link your discord account to your riot account
- $unregister
- unlinks your discord account from the linked riot account
- $tftme
- check the stats of the last 5 games of the linked riot account
- $tft
- Lookup a tft user with rank and last 5 games
- $compare ,
- Compares the average placements of two summoners