
HS2 IT User Research Project Toolkit



HS2 IT User Research Project Toolkit

INTRODUCTION As part of the investigation and delivery of any new service, you need to first conduct user research to ascertain who the users of the technology shall be, how best their needs can be met and what their current pain points are.

This toolkit was developed for HS2 staff to use as a starting point to find out how to effectively conduct user research. We’ve included short detailed step-bystep how-to guides on many separate elements of the user research process

but this toolkit is not comprehensive or strictly prescriptive, think of it more as a set of guidelines. We hope that you will add to this toolkit as a live document: add in more guides on elements of the user research process that you have tried out; also edit guide sections that you have followed, according to your experience of using the guide.

Think of this as a family recipe book. Just as you’d add a note that you prefer your cakes to be baked a little longer, add tips and tricks based on your experience into this document, so that everyone can benefit from your wisdom.

The tools in this guide are based on an eight-week user needs research project conducted in early 2016 by a collaborative Rainmaker Solutions and HS2 IT team.

This document is provided under the Creative Commons attribution share-alike (BY-AS).