
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HSL stop info

A lightweight mobile-first application that provides information about the stop you are standing at. Will replace the old app at http://tag.hsl.fi/tag/16669?a and provide more features.

This project is built with Gatsby, which is a static site generator. Thus, all API requests to Jore-Graphql and any other API that is used is made during the build stage and baked into the resulting static website. Gatsby also provides many features that the Progressive Web App (PWA) spec describes, including a service worker that enables offline usage.


Install dependencies with Yarn (or npm, but there's only a yarn.lock for now):


Also install the dependencies of the local gatsby-source-stops plugin, which is responsible for fetching stops from JORE:

cd plugins/gatsby-source-stops


Run the develop command to work on the site:

yarn run develop

After the initial build has finished you can visit the site on http://localhost:8000. Gatsby's data structure uses Graphql, and the internal Graphql endpoint can be found at http://localhost:8000/__graphql.


To build the site for production, run:

yarn run build

The build results in a self-contained deployable website in public/. At this point you can use the yarn start command to serve the built website.


A hosting plan has not yet been made for this project, but it basically involves uploading the built static site in public/. If Docker is used, run build followed by start in the Docker container.