
Hastus import and export interface for jore4

Primary LanguageKotlinEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2


A spring boot server application which acts as a converter between jore4 and Hastus.


Necessary tools

  • Maven
  • JDK17+
  • Node.js >= 18.18.2
  • Yarn 1.x

Uses maven to build the project, use mvn install to build the server. You can also run the generated .jar file locally to test the server on port 8080.

development.sh provides several commands to run the server in a docker container:

  • start runs the server in port 3008
  • stop stops the container
  • remove removes the docker container
  • build builds the server locally using maven
  • test runs all tests


Tests use timetables-data-inserter from jore4-hasura repository. This is included as a Git submodule. The submodule is automatically initialised when dependencies are set up by running development.sh.

When the submodule is updated, to get the newest version of inserter you need to:

  • Update git submodules with git submodule update
  • Install dependencies and build the timetables data inserter with development.sh, by running either of the start tasks or build:data-inserter

Updating GraphQL schema

When there are changes to the GraphQL schema, the local schema file must be updated. This can be done using Maven, running the command:

mvn generate-sources -Pgenerate-graphql

API structure

Export feature

POST /export/routes Send a JSON body containing the route labels, priority and date for which to produce a CSV file for Hastus.

Export endpoint expects a JSON format:

    uniqueLabels: [string...],
    priority: int,
    observationDate: "yyyy-mm-dd"

Request parameters are used to filter routes when they are retrieved (via GraphQL) from the Jore4 network & routes database. During the export, as a side effect, a journey_pattern_ref entry is created for each route in the Jore4 timetables database. These entries are later used to connect Hastus timetables to their source routes in the import function.

The returned CSV file follows the HSL's Hastus CSV specification.

Import feature

POST /import Send a text body in CSV format containing a Hastus schedule to be imported as a vehicle schedule frame to the Jore4 timetables database. The trip records in the CSV data are matched against the journey pattern references (journey_pattern_ref) in the Jore4 timetables database. For each trip record in the CSV, a route match must be found in the existing journey pattern references.

The matching criteria between Hastus trips and journey pattern references are:

  • route labels must be the same
  • route direction must be the same
  • the stop point labels must match and be in the same order
  • the timing point labels must match and be in the same order

As a result of a successful import event, a vehicle schedule frame is created in the Jore4 timetables database. The identifier of the resulting vehicle schedule frame is returned in the JSON response:

  "vehicleScheduleFrameId": "238d0bbc-6be7-4070-9a3b-73fbaae57e01"

In the event of an error, e.g. when no journey pattern reference is found for a Hastus trip, an error response with failure message and failure type is returned:

    "reason": "descriptive error message",
    "type": "IllegalArgumentError"

For possible values of the type field, see fi.hsl.jore4.hastus.api.util.HastusApiErrorType.

Technical Documentation

jore4-hastus is a Spring Boot application written in Kotlin, which implements a REST API for converting Hastus CSV into Jore4 data and the reverse, Jore4 data into CSV files for Hastus.

Package Structure

  • fi.hsl.jore.hastus.api package contains the API endpoint definitions
  • fi.hsl.jore.hastus.config package contains the server configuration
  • fi.hsl.jore.hastus.data package contains the hastus data format and mappers
  • fi.hsl.jore.hastus.graphql package contains graphql service and queries
  • fi.hsl.jore.hastus.util package contains the utilities, currently CSV writer

Tests are in the fi.hsl.jore.hastus.test package.

Developer Guide

Coding Conventions

Code should be written using standard Kotlin coding conventions.


  • ktlint is run automatically during build and will fail the build if any warnings are found
  • Additionally, minimize the use of mutable variables, using val whenever possible.

Docker reference

The application uses spring boot which allows overwriting configuration properties as described here. The docker container is also able to read secrets and expose them as environment variables.

The following configuration properties are to be defined for each environment:

Config property Environment variable Secret name Example Description
- SECRET_STORE_BASE_PATH - /mnt/secrets-store Directory containing the docker secrets
hasura.url HASURA_URL hasura-url http://jore4-hasura:8080/v1/graphql Hasura microservice base url
hasura.secret don't use don't use hasura Hasura admin secret used only for generating graphql schema. Don't use it for the running service

More properties can be found from /profiles/prod/config.properties