3d Finite Volume Method based coded with hybrid OpenMP/MPI

Primary LanguageFortran


!    y=1 ______________                                                                                 
!       /             /|       |  Author  : Zi-Hsuan Wei                                                 
!      /             / |       |  Version : 1.8                                                          
!     /____________ /  |       |  Web     : http://smetana.me.ntust.edu.tw/                              
!     |  |         |   |                                                        
!     |  |         |   |                                          
!     |  | x=y=z=0 |   |                                           
!     |  |_________|___|x=1                                        
!     |  /         |  /                                         
!     | /          | /                                        
!     |/___________|/                                         
!    z=1                                                  

This code is a Fortran 3D flow using projection method with FVM. Navier Stokes equations are solved for velocity and pressure fields. The output data can be visualized with tecplot or paraview.

How to use?

The code being implemented in Fortran90, and Fortran being a compiled language, it requires a compiler such as mpiifort or mpif90.


Simulation parameters to be defined in the main program 'main.f90'. Selecting the number of threads of OpenMP.

!------------------- OPENMP ------------------------!
nthreads = 4    
call omp_set_num_threads(nthreads)
!------------------- OPENMP ------------------------!

!-----------------Parameters for the simulation------------------!
omega                          = 1.5               ! Set value for SOR method

zeta                           = 1.e-4             ! zeta for solving pressure matrix

itmax                          = 3000              ! maximum for zeta in Gauss Seidel subroutines

zeta_vel                       = 1.e-10            ! convergence condition for velocity field

time                           = 0.0               ! initialize time of simulation
AOA1                           = 5.D0              ! initialize AOA of simulation
nstep                          = 100000            ! number of timesteps for the simulation
isto                           = 100               ! data stored every 'isto' steps
LES                            = 0                 ! the LES mode. 1 : on ; 0 : off
steadiness                     = 2                 ! steady : 1 ; unsteady : 2 
totalcosttime                  = 0                 ! initialize wall time
inputfile                      = '0000.Q'          !input first q file
StartDynamic                   = 1000000

NACA_filename                  = 'NACA0012.DAT'
!-----------------Parameters for the simulation------------------!


Numerical values for the non-uniform mesh size, Re number and what kind of B.Cs to be defined in the program 'variables_module.f90'.

real*8, parameter            :: Re           = 10.0
real*8, parameter            :: dt           = 1.0e-3
integer, parameter           :: nx           = 40
integer, parameter           :: ny           = 40
integer, parameter           :: nz           = 40 
real*8, parameter            :: lx           = 1.0
real*8, parameter            :: ly           = 1.0
real*8, parameter            :: lz           = 1.0

character(len=20)            :: Gridder      = 'uniform'  !non-uniform, uniform

!--------------------- Unequal grid ---------------------!

real*8, parameter            :: GridderXc        = 12.5
real*8, parameter            :: GridderYc        = 3.948
real*8, parameter            :: GridderZc        = 3.95
integer, parameter           :: nxSml            = 16
integer, parameter           :: nySml            = 100
integer, parameter           :: nyMid            = 150
integer, parameter           :: nzSml            = 200

integer, parameter           :: nzMid            = 300
real*8, parameter            :: lxSml            = 1.0
real*8, parameter            :: lySml            = 0.3
real*8, parameter            :: lyMid            = 0.6
real*8, parameter            :: lzSml            = 1.1

real*8, parameter            :: lzMid            = 2.0

real*8                       :: dySml, dyMid, dy

real*8                       :: dxSml, dx
real*8                       :: dzSml, dzMid, dz

!--------------------- Unequal grid ---------------------!


!    y=1 ______________                                                                                 
!       /             /|                                                     
!      /       N     / |                                                          
!     /____________ /  |                                
!     |  |         |   |                                                        
!     |  | B       |   |                                          
!   W |  | x=y=z=0 | E |                                           
!     |  |_________|___|x=1                                        
!     |  /         |  /                                         
!     | /     S    | /                                        
!     |/___________|/                                         
!    z=1 F     
!   Neumann     du/dn = 0
!   Dirichlet   u = 1
!   no-slip     u = 0

character(len=20)            :: WestWall_u         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: WestWall_v         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: WestWall_w         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: EastWall_u         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: EastWall_v         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: EastWall_w         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: SouthWall_u        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: SouthWall_v        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: SouthWall_w        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: NorthWall_u        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: NorthWall_v        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: NorthWall_w        = 'Dirichlet'
character(len=20)            :: BackWall_u         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: BackWall_v         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: BackWall_w         = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: FrontWall_u        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: FrontWall_v        = 'no-slip'
character(len=20)            :: FrontWall_w        = 'no-slip'


3.Running the code

Use the Makefile to compile all the files and create the Executive file (sol0). Launch the Executive file (sol0) by command :

mpirun -np A ./sol0

where A is the number of processor

4.Output file

You will get different fields (.q) and mesh file (.x). After that, you need input q files and x file to tecplot or paraview.

5.clean data

Remove the q files and x file by command as :

make cleanall
make clean

6.Other informations

More details can be found in folder of introduction.


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