This is a simple tool for recovering SpringBoot packaged JAR files, its main purpose is to recover the given JAR files into SpringBoot projects that can be modified, compiled and debugged in CTF competitions. The features of this tool include rebuilding the source code structure, extracting lib files and decompiling class files.
This tool does not verify that the JAR is packaged by SpringBoot and if the input JAR file does not meet the requirements, it may cause an exception
SpringBoot-UnPacker options_list
jarPath -> SpringBoot jar file path { String }
--overwrite, -o [false] -> Overwrite the project dir, if it already exists
--decompiler, -d [FernFlower] -> Select the class files decompiler { Value should be one of [fernflower, cfr] }
--removeClassesFile, -r [false] -> Remove class files after decompiling
--excludeClasses, -e -> Package prefixes to be excluded during decompiling, multiple inputs separated by ',' { String }
--includeClasses, -i -> Package prefixes to be included during decompiling, multiple inputs separated by ',' { String }
--help, -h -> Usage info
Recover the web.jar to the source project, overwrite the old folder and delete the original class files
java -jar springboot-unpacker-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/web.jar -o -r