To Run the Application on Mac:
- You need node(npm) installed.
- Run (npm install) in the my-app directory. It will install all the dependencies of the project.
- Run command (npm start) it will host the server then it will ask for option to run on ios or android.
- You end a emulator on the system to run the application.
- For ios you can get xcode and android you can get android studio.
- Once the emulator is running then it will install the packages on the emulator.
- Then it will direct you to login page.
- To login in the system use username: diku_admin and password: admin
To Run the test:
- Run command (npm test) in the my-app directory.
- To run only the test file run command (npm test App.test.js) in the my-app directory.
In Folio mobile App, we used MVC design pattern, routing the pages is controller, screens are the views and Folio is the Model.
For our React-Native JavaScript code, we follow ESLint code style.
The code we writed is listed below:
App.js -- The entrance of App, contains the main navigater.
App.test.js -- Test cases
package.json -- Package information
navigation/ -- Folder contains navigators
navigation/RootNavigation.js -- Go to login screen, notification api for further development
navigation/MainTabNavigator.js -- Three tabs, switches Homepage, Profilepage and Settingspage
screens/ -- Screens Folder
screens/data/url.json -- Folio url
screens/data/loan.json -- Some sample loan info for display on ProfileScreen
screens/data/resources.json -- Contains subject items with initilal value.
screens/data/languages.json -- Contains language items with initilal value.
screens/image/ -- image folder
screens/lib/LoginButton.js -- LoginButton component
screens/LoginScreen.js -- LoginScreen Component
screens/HomeScreen.js -- HomeScreen Component contains New Books and News
screens/ProfileScreen.js -- ProfileScreen contains user information.
screens/SettingsScreen.js -- Settings page for user perference
screens/BookScreen.js -- Book details page