
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

creditrisk-poc Build Status

Creditrisk-poc is a Hydra powered API which serves loan portfolio data using EBA NPL Template.


Working Project

API is live @


creditrisk-poc consist following features:

  • ResidentialMortgage, PrivateBorrower, Collateral, Portfolio & manymore classes.
  • Portfolio class collection.
  • classes are linked with each other using foreign keys.
  • All the classes can perform all the CRUD operations ( GET, PUT, POST, DELETE).
  • Portfolio class collection can perform all the CRUD operations.

Classes are linked in the following manner:

Here's the Database schema for the classes.


The NonPerformingLoan.jsonld is a subset vocabulary for NonPerformingLoan portfolios, vocabulary is generated automatically using vocab_generator.py from NonperformingLoan.owl ontology.

python npl_vocab/vocab_generator.py

It will generate the JSON-LD vocabulary which can be used to create ApiDoc.


API_Doc is generated through hydra-python-core module doc_writer and nplvoac_parse.py which automates the creation of classes and properties from JSON-LD vocabulary.

API_Doc, doc_writer & nplvocab_parser.py files can be found here :

|___ ApiDoc.jsonld
|___ api_docwriter.py
|___ nplvocab_parser.py

nplvocab_parser parse all the classes & properties from NonPerformingLoan.jsonld and provide functions for converting them to HydraClass & HydraClassProp.

ApiDoc is a JSON serialized object, It can be accessed as follows:

import json

ApiDoc_file = open("creditrisk_poc/api_doc/ApiDoc.json","r")
doc = json.load(ApiDoc_file)

you will get the doc in python dict format.

ApiDoc is generated with this flow:


Repository Structure

|    |
|    |_____api_docwriter.py
|    |_____ApiDoc.jsonld
|    |_____nplvocab_generator.py
|    |
|    |____NonPerformingLoan.jsonld
|    |____NonPerformingLoan.owl
|    |____nplo.jsonld
|    |____vocab_generator.py


To run hydra powered creditrisk-poc API, just do the following:

  1. Clone creditrisk-poc
git clone https://github.com/HTTP-APIs/creditrisk-poc.git
cd creditrisk-poc
  1. Install a Python virtual environment using:
python3.7 -m venv .venv


virtualenv -p python3.7 .venv
  1. Install requirements:
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run hydrus server
cd creditrisk_poc
python __main__.py

The hydrus should be up & running on http://localhost:8080/creditrisk_api/

API can be tested using Mock_portfolio_generator

python examples/mock_portfolio_generator.py

Mock_portfolio_generator is a mock client which can populate the database with the more realistic data, It automatically creates the object of the classes on the basis of ApiDocumentation.